areas on earth where gravity is less or able to be manipulated easier

in Free Energy3 years ago

Becker-Hagens Planetary Grid System Coordinates

  1. 31.72°N 31.20°E On the Egyptian continental shelf,
    in the Mediterranean Sea. at approximately the midpoint between
    the two outlets of the Nile at
    Masabb Rashid and Masabb

  2. 52.62°N 31.20°E On the Sozh Rivereast of Gomel,
    at the boundary junction of three
    Soviet republics — Ukraine,
    Bellorussia, and Russia

  3. 58.28°N 67.20°E In marshy lowlands just west of

  4. 52.62°N 103.20°E In the lowlands north of the
    southern tip of Lake Baykal, at
    the edge of highlands

  5. 58.28°N 139.20°E In the highlands along the coast
    of the Sea of Okhotsk

  6. 52.62°N 175.20°E Slightly east of Attu at the
    western tip of the Aleutian Islands

  7. 58.28°N 148.80°W Edge of continental shelf in the
    Gulf of Alaska

  8. 52.62°N 112.80°W Buffalo Lake, Alberta, at the edge
    of highlands in lowlands

  9. 58.28°N 76.80°W Just east of Port Harrison on Hudson's Bay

  10. 52.62°N 40.80°W Gibbs Fracture Zone

  11. 58.28°N 4.80°W Loch More on the west coast of

  12. 26.57°N 67.20°E On the edge of the Kirthar Range
    bordering the Indus River Valley,
    directly north of Karachi

  13. 31.72°N 103.20°E At the east edge of the Himalayas
    in Szechuan Province, just west
    of the Jiuding Shan summit

  14. 26.57°N 139.20°E At the intersection of Kydshu
    Palau Ridge, the West Mariana
    Ridge, and the Iwo Jima Ridge

  15. 31.72°N 175.20°E At the intersection of Hess
    Plateau, the Hawaiian Ridge, and
    the Emperor Seamounts

  16. 26.57°N 148.80°W Northeast of Hawaii, midway between the Murray Fracture Zone
    and the Molokai Fracture Zone

  17. 31.72°N 112.8O°W Cerro Cubabi, a highpoint just
    south of the US/Mexico border
    near Sonoita and lava fields

  18. 26.57°N 76.80°W Edge of continental shelf near
    Great Abaco Island in the

  19. 31.72°N 40.80°W Atlantis Fracture Zone

  20. 26.57°N 4.80°W In El Eglab, a highland peninsula
    at the edge of the Sahara Desert
    sand dunes

  21. 10.81°N 31.2O°E Sudan Highlands, at the edge of
    White Nile marshfields

  22. 0° 49.20°E Somali Abyssal Plain

  23. 10.81°S 67.20°E Vema Trench (in the Indian
    Ocean) at the intersection of the
    Mascarene Ridge, the Carlsberg
    Ridge, and Maldive Ridge into
    the Midlndian Ridge

  24. 0° 85.20°E Ceylon Abyssal Plain

  25. 10.81°N 103.20°E Kompong Som. a natural bay on
    the southern coast of Cambodia
    southwest of Phnom Penh

  26. 0° 121.20°E At the midpoint of Teluk,
    Tomini, a bay in the northern area
    of Sulawesi

  27. 10.81°S 139.20°E Midpointof the mouth of the Gulf
    of Carpentaria

  28. 0° 157.20°E Center of the Solomon Plateau

  29. 10.81°N 175.20°E Midpoint of abyssal plain between Marshall Islands, MidPacific Mountains, and the
    Magellan Plateau

  30. 0° 166 80°W Nova Canton Trough

  31. 10.81°S 148.80°W Society Islands

  32. 0° 130.80°W Galapagos Fracture Zone

  33. 10.81°N 112.80°W East end of the Clipperton Fracture Zone

  34. 0° 94.80°W Junction of the Coeos Ridge and
    the Carnegie Ridge, just west of
    the Galapagos Islands.

  35. 10.81°S 76.80°W Lake Punrrun in Peruvian coastal

  36. 0° 58.80°W State of Amazonas. at tip of
    minor watershed highlands

  37. 10.81°N 40.80°W Vema Fracture Zone

  38. 0° 22.80°W Romanche Fracture Zone

  39. 10.81°S 4.80°W Edge of Mid-Atlantic Ridge in
    Angola Basin, just southeast of
    Ascension Fracture Zone

  40. 0° 13.20°W Gabon highlands, at the intersection of three borders

  41. 26.57°S 31.20°E L'uyengo on the Usutu River in

  42. 31.72°S 67.20°E Intersection of the Mid-Indian
    Ridge with the Southwest Indian

  43. 26.57°S 103.20°E Tip of the Wallabi Plateau

  44. 31.72°S 139.20°E In a lowland area just east of St.
    Mary Peak (highest point in the
    area) and north east of Spencer

  45. 26.57°S 175.20°E At the edge of the Hebrides
    Trench, just southwest of the Fiji Islands

  46. 36.72°S 148.80°W Undifferentiated South Pacific

  47. 26.57°S 112.80°W Easter Island Fracture Zone

  48. 31.72°S 76.80°W Nazca Plate

  49. 26.57°S 40.80°W In deep ocean, at edge of continental shelf, southeast of Rio de

  50. 31.72°S 4.80°W Walvis Ridge

  51. 58.28°S 31.2O°E Enderby Abyssal Plain

  52. 52.62°S 67.20°E Kerguelen Plateau

  53. 58.28°S 103.20°E Ocean floor, midway between
    Kerguelen Abyssal Plain and
    Wilkes Abyssal Plain

  54. 52.62°S 139.20°E Kangaroo Fracture Zone

  55. 58.28°S 175.20°E Edge of Scott Fracture Zone

  56. 52.62°S 148.80°W Udintsev Fracture Zone

  57. 58.28°S 112.80°W Eltanin Fracture Zone

  58. 52.62°S 76.80°W South American tip, at the edge
    of the Haeckel Deep

  59. 58.28°S 40.80°W South Sandwich Fracture Zone

  60. 52.62°S 4.80°W Boivet Fracture Zone

  61. North Pole

  62. South Pole


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The principle of diamagnetism which underlies
human-induced levitation and anti-gravity vortexes on the
planet can be demonstrated simply in what I call the human
gravity antenna. Diamagnetism (explained below) is essentially
a magnetic-neutral zone existing between a north and south
magnetic field, which can be exploited for purposes of
levitation. As I will indicate below, there are many such
"magnetic flow reversal points" on the Earth marked by Grid
An arrangement of five human beings can be used as a
quadruple gravity antenna to perform levitation of the central
person. The weight of the central person, the levitatee, does
not matter nor is the lack of strength or size of the four
levitators important. What is important is the form of the
quadropolar positions around the central levitatee (See Diagram
1). Here are a few pointers to keep in mind.
First, the levitators should be positioned 45 degrees off
the magnetic compass direction of north, south, east, and west
for maximum effectiveness. Second, alternation of male and
female sex of the levitators adds to the gravity antenna's
power. Third, the hand stack on the head of the central
levitatee by the levitators should not have like-gendered
(male/male, female/female) hands touching. Fourth, there's no
need to think of anything—just hold the hands stacked on the
levitatee's head for a count of ten. On the tenth count remove
the stacked hands quickly and place one finger each on the four
corners of the chair. The person in charge of counting says
"lift" and up goes the levitatee. Now let's examine this
phenomenon I like to call "Party Levitation" in more specific
and practical detail.
To do Party Levitation you will need five people, one
to be levitated—henceforth to be called the levitatee— and
four to do the levitating—henceforth to be called the levitators.
The levitatee sits in a chair and the four levitators stand
around him so that they form a square. One levitator should
stand to the levitatee's left, and just behind his shoulder.
Another levitator should stand in front of him and to his left,
close to his left knee. The other two should stand on the right
side of the levitatee's body and in similar positions.
Now the object of Party Levitation is to make the
levitatee's body so light in weight that the four levitators can
lift him several feet into the air using a single finger each. If
the experiment is performed properly none of the levitators
will feel the slightest resistance to their efforts. It will be as
if the levitatee's body has lost its weight entirely.
While the levitatee is sitting, the four levitators
surround him in the manner indicated and place their hands, one
atop the other, on his head, as if they were healing him by the
laying on of hands.
The person who is going to float must sit relaxed in a
straightbacked chair with his legs together, his feet on the
floor, and his hands in his lap. The other four participants now
stand two on each side of the seated party, one at each shoulder
and one at the knee. Instruct all four to extend their arms and
place their closed fists together, closed except for the
forefingers which should be extended and touching each other
along their lengths as shown. The person nearest the seated
man's left shoulder is now asked to place his two extended
fingers, palms downwards, beneath his left armpit. Likewise,
his opposite number inserts his forefingers beneath the right
armpit, and again the other two respectively beneath the seated
man's knees.
Now invite the four assistants to lift the man in this
position, using only these extended fingers. However hard they
try, it is impossible. As soon as you have registered their
inability to do so, ask them to stack their hands alternately,
one on top of the other on the man's head, in such a way that no
person has his own two hands together, and then to exert a
steady pressure downwards. As they keep this up you count to
ten. On the count "nine", they must withdraw their hands
quickly from his head and resume their earlier positions with
their extended forefingers. On the count of "ten" they must try
again to lift the man with those fingers alone. This time he
will go soaring into the air with no difficulty whatsoever.

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