Quote Reflection: Business Risk

in Inner Blocks3 years ago

The Quotes goes like this:
"If you don't take risks,
you will always work for someone who does."

So let's talk about it.

What is risks?

risk noun
-the possibility of something bad happening at some time in the future; a situation that could be dangerous or have a bad result


In terms of business and life, how big is a risk?

When we are talking about risk in business and in life we are talking about the possible changes in your lifestyle, emotional stability, financial capability, time, even family.

People often take the term Risk very lightly.
For those who don't take the risk, they often see risk as a very easy to cross obstacle.
What they don't know is that risk in business is a event that always re-occur from time to time. It doesn't stop on it's first risk.

Remember that in business, you are going to take multiple level of risk.

Non-business minded people thinks that a steady paycheck is the most securing thing in life. And for them taking the risk of not have any of it is huge sacrifice or not even worth to risk.

But in business if you don't put your head and time on it then you are lowering the chance of the business to succeed. Business will burn you out. Working people thinks that because they earn more being an employee that they are working harder than a businessman.

Putting up a business is not an easy thing to do. It is not always fruitful at start.
Some will take time and some will fail. But those who easily give up will sure fail.
No one will succeed by giving up.

My advise to those people who are having a hard time juggling business, family, and finance.

Is that, don't give up.
Family might not understand you now, they might think that you are a failure, or what you are doing is not worth the risk or it's better for you to just take another job.

But don't, re-asses your business, re-asses what you are doing, do more side hustles. Being an employee is far more easy that running a business.

But the reward in the long run is far greater.
You might having a hard time right now, but that is the risk you're overcoming right now. Your reward will be far more greater.

Your business is worth the risk.
Every business is worth the risk.
Some only needs to be remodeled, enhanced, re-evaluate, etc.

But you as a businessman is going to worth 10 times more that being an employee.