Humans are known as the best creatures in this world. Humans are superior, and there is no doubt about it. Instead of it, humans fear many things, and we call it phobia. Based on human phobia, it can be different because every human is unique and everyone doesn't think in the same way.
I don't think of myself as a brave one, but at the same time, I am not a timid one either. It's actually confusing to me because, depending on the situation, I can be anything. I have some matters that create fear in my mind all the time. So at the beginning, I am going to share about my phobia.
I have a phobia of losing dignity, and my dignity is the most important thing to me. I am a simple man, and I love to keep everything simple in my life. That is the reason I try to avoid complexity and complex thinking. I try to give respect to every individual, no matter who they are. In return, I also receive respect from others. This is the most precious thing I have earned in my entire life. Till now, I think everything is good, and I have created a positive image in front of everyone. I love to maintain it until the end of my life. But dignity is a very sensitive thing, and it can be shaken easily, and one simple thing can be enough for it. Because of it, having a fear of losing dignity is very natural. I think most of us have the phobia of losing dignity.
Losing beloved people is another phobia of mine. I know that man is mortal and everyone must die, which is just a matter of time. This is the harsh reality. I am the kind of person who thinks practically most of the time. But when it's about my beloved people, it's hard to accept the normal thing. Maybe it's because I don't want to lose my beloved people. I had already lost some of my beloved people, and it was very painful for me. Whenever they become sick, the fear of losing them automatically comes to mind. This is such a kind of phobia that I can't overcome, and I cannot do anything because I am helpless in this case.
Let's talk about mental disorders. Most people at the current time are suffering from various kinds of mental disorders, but very few people are ready to accept it. In fact, most of the people in my country rarely go for mental checkups. In this digital world, most people spend their maximum time in the virtual world because of what the interaction between humans has decreased a lot. It's not a good thing for mental health. In my country, people don't treat mental disorders as diseases. This is the reason most of the people in my country can't detect mental disorders, and that gives them a fake signal that they are okay. Again, if someone goes to a doctor for mental treatment, people don't hesitate to criticize that patient, calling them crazy, mad, psycho, or something else. This practice is very bad, and for that reason, many people don't dare to go to a psychiatrist for treatment. Unfortunately, most of the people need treatment. Creating awareness about it has become necessary now.
Do you know what pet peeves mean? It means finding something or activities that annoy or irritate a person a lot. Based on the person, it can also be different, and it's very natural. Do you want to know what annoys me a lot?
Forcing me to do something is one of the things that annoys me the most. I hate those people who try to force me and manipulate me. I won't like it, even if it is done by my parents as well. I almost do the opposite if someone tries to manipulate me or force me to do something. I consider those people kind of enemies if someone dares to force me or manipulate me. I believe that if anyone asks me to do something in a gentle way, I may consider doing it without any kind of harsh feeling, but in the case of forcing me, the result will be the opposite and destructive, and it will not be beneficial to them.
Another thing that annoys me a lot is too much taking. I am a cool man, and I love to spend my time in a place free from any kind of noise and any kind of disturbance. Those people who talk a lot make a lot of noise, and it's irritating to me and creates disturbances in my peace. I don't know why they spend their precious time just talking nonsense. Those people talk so much that they lose their senses while talking, and they tell the secrets of others, which should be kept secret. I think those kinds of people are nothing more than foolish, and their habits can bring danger to others, so avoiding them is the best solution, and I also do the same.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.
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Gladly, I have no any phobia. But the only way to overcome fear, is to face it..
The phobia of losing beloved people can't be overcome and I believe that you also have it at least. I don't know if it can be overcome with time or not.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
jane1289 tipped intishar @intishar tipped @ifarmgirl
Losing someone we love is scary but it is something that we have to learn to accept at some point.
Manipulative people and those who talk too much can be very annoying. Best to run away from them hehe
I wish my beloved people could survive all the time but I know it's impossible and no one can escape from death.
Manipulative people must face a bad time if they try to manipulate me because it's not easy to manipulate me. The talkative person shouldn't be a friend.
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