Why does it seem that I always have to go through the login process twice using HiveSigner?

in Reveriolast year

When I visit a new HIVE ecosystem (like Reverio, for example), for the first time (or if I need to subsequently login again at some other point in time), why am I seemingly always having to go through the login process twice?

When I tried to login to Reverio for the first time just now, HiveSigner was one of the options, so I chose that.  The process flow that followed was:

My kdbx client autofills my uid & HIVE Sign pwd. I click to submit and I end up on a page that can't return me to the web app (Reverio). So I go back and click on Login again.

Once again the choices are presented - HIVE Signer being one of them. I choose that again (for the second time). The same uid/pwd prompt comes up, autofilled by my kdbx client with the correct credentials and voila! I'm returned to the web app (Reverio in this case just now) and my profile pic appears in the upper right, indicating that I've succesfully logged in.

And.... here I am ;)

So, before anyone answers, I'd like to ask that everyone please respect the question and if you don't have an actual answer to offer, that's perfectly fine, but please don't suggest that I ask in Discord (as I've seen in so many other questions posted here) - THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. I'm here participating at HIVE because I'm a FOSSie that believes in the utility and power of open source software to change social communications as we know it - for the better; and I simply prefer not to particpate in forums that are proprietary closed source solutions, especially deprecated, privacy disrespecting, monolithic silos like Discord. I'll hit up the Telegram support group for HIVE if need be, or find a Matrix channel, but in the spirit of ServerFault, this appears to be the perfect forum to address and resolve such issues - correct me if I'm wrong.

I believe in HIVE for a few reasons, not the least of which is that it is an open source blockchain construct, with open client apps affording us the opportunity to participate from myriad entry points - that's really kewl IMO, but being a relative n00b here, I've certainly got my fair share of questions and a lot of research to perform.

I'm hoping that this Q&A forum at Revario is a correct place in the HIVE ecosystem in which to do that, and FWIW, Discord is certainly not AFAIC.

Since I don't login/out of a lot of HIVE services regularly, I've only tested this on desktop versions of Vivaldi, Brave Browser, and Firefox on both Debian Linux and Windows. I've yet to venture into the HIVE ecosystem on Android :)

Anyway, I had made some screenies to show the process flow so anyone could see exactly the steps I seemingly have to follow, but this particular forum doesn't seem to support image uploads.

If there's another "HIVE based" support or discussion forum that is more appropriate for posting questions and answers then please do not hesitate to let me know, but I'm pretty committed to keeping this within our HIVE ecosystem :)

If I can come back and edit later, I might publish an article about this and then post the link to that HIVE article. I appreciate any assistance that might be afforded and look forward to your thoughts on the solution or explanations for why this occurs; also, what others here prefer to use for supplying login credentials and why.

Kindest regards,



--- This question was created on [reverio.io](https://reverio.io), Reverio is a question and answer platform built exclusively for Hive. Answer this question on Reverio by clicking [here](https://Reverio.io/question/tallship/why-does-it-seem-that-i-always-have-to-go-through-the-login-process-twice-using-hivesigner--).

 last year  

Hi @tallship!

Congrats on your first question on Reverio.

Your question has received a small upvote from https://reverio.io.

We'd love to hear your feedback or any suggestions you have surrounding Reverio. You can get in touch by replying to this comment. Please consider following us on Hive to keep up to date with our latest announcements.

What a pleasant surprise! Thank you so much :)

I'm just trying to get the feel of navigating about and getting a feel for participating here in the HIVE community, so perhaps the first thing I should mention, in response to your question, is that I was initially a bit disappointed after penning that, because the formatting of paragraphs seemed to be stripped out and gracefully degraded after publishing it.

So I then came back over here to Ecency to do some light reading, responded to someone elses article, and then seeing I had notifications, found your reply to mine - in Ecency at least (and I'm assuming in PeakD as well?), the original Markdown formatting I made appeared very nicely with paragraph breaks, emphasis, etc.

I've certainly got a lot to learn about how things work around here, but I've also noticed that there's a very supportive community here. Everyone I've met is really nice and willing to help out. There's not a lot of that in todays traditional social networking world, and it's quite encouraging to to see this, and I look forward to becoming someone who has something to give back to the HIVE community in the future.

Thanks again, and I'm definitely intersted in hearing back from folks about some of the best ways, or at least their preferred ways, of harnessing the best of what HIVE has to offer!

Kindest regards,



Unfortunately I can't help you with the answer to your question, but I can tell you that it is a brilliant ecosystem full of genuinely supportive and amazing people and that's why I'm still here after 2.5 years and I feel like I have a better friendship happening with more people on here than my IRL friends, so whatever you do, stick with it and as many people told me when I first stumbled upon Hive back then and had to spend hours researching and reading to learn not only about Hive, but also Blockchain/crypto and the rest, have fun and don't freak yourself out (like I was doing trying to understand it all at once...) and I'm sure that your questions will be answered.

Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement.

I'll definitely stay the course, so to speak, I've noticed the camaraderie myself, and it's definitely a major impetus for my wanting to get my head around all of this - I'll also take your advice not to burn out again trying to figure it out all at once :)



I just thought of this community for you too just incase you haven't seen it yet https://peakd.com/c/hive-198327/created

check it out. there may be help in there for some of your other questions.

@tallship it sounds like HiveSigner is working as intended.

From my understanding of things... I think the first 'login' is just setting up the token for the frontend and the second 'login' is the actual authorization.

It is documented here: https://developers.hive.io/services/hivesigner.html#:~:text=Hivesigner%20works%20by%20granting%20an,access%20can%20be%20found%20here.


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