Where do we see HIVE in five years?

in Reverio2 years ago

I would love to hear what people think the next five years hold for HIVE? Do we see a better on and off ramp for funds? I know there is a option to buy HIVE now with a credit card but I know most of the credit cards I have the transaction fail when I try to process them. I love the HIVE community and blogging. I am just worried without any real ground breaking innovation that HIVE might slowly vanish when newer and more advanced options become available.

--- This question was created on [reverio.io](https://reverio.io), Reverio is a question and answer platform built exclusively for Hive. Answer this question on Reverio by clicking [here](https://Reverio.io/question/squirrelacus/where-do-we-see-hive-in-five-years-).


Im curious why you think the hive chain won't be able to evolve with the times. LeoThreads certainly has me more engaged in Hive.

I am not current on LeoThreads. Do tell.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment