youdigest cross-posted this post in Ecency 3 years ago

Ask Hive: What does this Hive values mean?

in Ask the Hive3 years ago

My name is Asanga Eyo, a Nigerian, and I am happy to be on Hive. I am a python developer and I shall be contributing more on tech articles.

I still remember I onwned an account on steemit but I found it very difficult to survive or understand how steemit actually works.
Luckily for me, I heard about Hive, and I must confess that after registration, I discovered that Hive is very easy to navigate, understand and also use.

Never the less, I am still not left without challenges, and that's the reason I am pinning out this few questions, which the answers will help me contribute my best to the hive community.

Please the questions are as follows:

What does the 25 value displayed beside my profile picture mean? :
After registering on Hive, I found this value beside my profile picture but I have no clue what it means, and to some users the value is higher. What does it stand for and how can I use it or increase it or get the best of it?

What does the 0.00% to 100% mean?
Also when you signup newly on ecency, your percentage will be 0.00%. What does it really mean? Mine was 0.000% and unto curiosity seeing every one's own at a reasonable Percentage value, I did some research and I was able to power up my Hive which moved my percentage from 0.00% to 100%, which I still don't know what it means, how to use it and the value of it.

How many post a day can I make on ecency?
I was making a post some days back, and I was restricted with some error message saying insufficient resource credit. Because of that, I could not make any post again even the next day and beyoung. Please what does it means, and what can I do to be able to write a post everyday or can't I make a post everyday?

When does my upvote count?

I upvote on post and i still still discover I am upvoting $0.00 no matter what I do. Please when will my upvote begin to have money value and why are the importance and reasons for upvoting on any post.

Please use the comment section to give answers to the question.

I will appreciate if I could fine reasonable answers to this question.

Thank you and looking forward for a wonderful relationship with everyone here on Hive.