Exciting News: New Book Cover 😇

in Ecency2 years ago

Forgive the long absence … Life!

I am quietly thrilled to receive a first look at my forthcoming collection of new reflections— political, cultural & spiritual — composed during our global pandemic (& the Trump years) as well as through a personal crisis.

The aim was to heal myself, so that I might uplift/ inspire others…

Big thank you to artist, Paul Grand, for the evocative cover image!

Also, much gratitude to another artist, Marc Neys, who created this fantastic book trailer:

Finally, here’s a link to my book’s page, where it should be available to pre-order, 🔜 around May 20th :


Hope this finds you thriving & doing what you find personally rewarding 🙏🏼✨


Welcome back!

That's a great promo video and the book cover is eye catching and thought provoking.

Listening to your voice in the video for a second time as I type this. So much to think about in so few words.

Hope you're well!

Ah, Kent, thank you! I can always count on you, for encouragement 🤗

Been exploring life off Hive for a while, a little Twitter & a lot of Mastodon…

Glad new book — cover, trailer & reading — work for you. I hope others on Hive might feel the same & help me get word out by sharing video trailer.

If you might care to review it on Amazon, I’m happy to send you an ecopy. Just drop me a line, here:


Sending good cheer your way ✌🏼