You could try pulling down to refresh the view and restarting the app. Other users seem to have network issues so maybe RPC server is crowded. You can try to pick another from settings. If that doesn't help, try comment on @ecency posts and ask for help.
Yes just checked again (though already knew) I can see recent post easily.
But in comments n replies there is nothing. Now u replied but still nothing in replies.
You could try pulling down to refresh the view and restarting the app. Other users seem to have network issues so maybe RPC server is crowded. You can try to pick another from settings. If that doesn't help, try comment on @ecency posts and ask for help.
It does not work changed node to ausbit
But still when I go to comments section it says I have made no comment.
I have mentioned ecency in my post. May be someone will reply.
Really appreciate that u tried to help. later Will ask ecency as u told.
Take care.
No bye. Will ask u again if found no solution.