Viewing Obstacles as Blessings in Disguise

in Ecency8 months ago

When God says something good is going to happen, believe it and claim it, do not have a second thought, do not doubt what He said. Yes, there might be challenges but don't let those challenges make you doubt whatever He says. Believe it, claim it, pray for it and it shall come to pass.
Do not let fear and how big the challenges are to bring down your belief in God or your trust in God, those challenges may look big and impossible for you to overcome but in actuality, there are mere illusions just scaring the life out of you. If God says it is for you, then it is for you.
Whenever you feel downcasted, be assured that God sees and He hears whatever is going on in your mind or wherever you belong, do not think that it is the end. God will never make us pass challenges we, ourselves, can't overcome but the reason we pass through challenges is because He doesn't want us to remain stagnant or stay stagnant. He wants the best for us. John 14:1 says "Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Him"
He has the answers to your every question. Be strong and courageous and trust that God is in control.
I want you to look deep down into your heart, say to the fear that it is not of you. Satan doesn't have a grip on you and you need to keep telling that voice that it is no more welcomed. You are greater than the obstacles within and without for "greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world" so know that and undersdtand that you are greater than every challenge, every problem and every fear. They can't harm you because you have God in control. He will not allow your foot to be moved lest you dash your foot against a stone. He has got you. God bless you
Obstacles are blessings in disguise. Have you ever heard of this popular expression "to every cloud, there is always a silver lining". I know it doesn't sound spiritual or the sort but jut believe that there is a good situation to every bad occurrence even the greatest ones you have faced. You know, growing up, I encountered people leaving me and all, I was left by people who knew me for who I was and it affected me in some kind of way. I grew up pretty lonely, never really having friends and I could remember crying and feeling abandoned when they left me but you know, those situations did not break me, they built me up. I was thinking that I would never have friends because they left. But surprisingly, I began to have new friends who paved greater ways for me. I had friends that showed me that life has beautiful opportunities and that life is not as gloomy as how people make it seems. Life without obstacles is basically pointless


He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. That passage tells all that anyone need to know. You have a personal power that can not be taken. As far as obstacles, those are just indicators of where you are in comparison to your inner power.