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RE: Blacklisted by @themarkymark for reasons unkown

in Ecency5 months ago

Perhaps sooner than you think.

Some people are followers, and some people seek followers to increase their power. That's about all I know about trails, because I strongly discourage them because they are a form of automation of our social interactions, which replaces people in society with robots, and that destroys society.


, and that destroys society.

Indeed it does.

Facebook is riddled with ai bots and fake accounts. I won't doubt that it may already be implemented(ing) on hive, blurt or steemit and we're having conversations with bots. If not, then what is keeping "them" from doing so?

Maybe they know it can't be done yet on these Blockchains or no one has tried, or the tech or code skillz just ain't there yet.
And if they do and if they already are, how could we tell and prepare for that? What user friendly tools are available now to counter that automagicly? Or is that already in place?

I wouldn't want AI bots pestering these chains with fake accounts pretending to be human and having conversations, but in worst case scenario... What to do?

Me not knows.

Am I worried about it? Not really. People are on it. Maybe.

Automatic social interactions, do you have to be a real bot to have one?

I mean, one could take your comments and insert it to an ai and post their replies here. Making you think you're having a real conversation. But why go through all that effort if one could just use that same time and effort and try to have a conversation? Or share an idea or just talk nice things even.

That's a big whole in your nose, did you get hooked while swimming in the ocean from a sea woman my fair merman?

we're having conversations with bots.

I have asked someone to quit replying to me with AI generated content and apologize, and when they didn't I stopped following them. It has been happening for some time, and it a lot harder to detect when folks edit the AI text. @blanchy recently posted about the Hive community being ~500 actual people, most of whom were sock puppeting dozens of accounts. I know of some users that had >10k accounts years ago, and today may approach 100k.

Absent a way to prevent automating interactions, society is not going to be comprised of people, and will no longer be society at all, since society is people, but an automated simulacrum of society, like an android is of a human being. What's the use of that? Making money? Money's value is just as illusory as automated social interactions.

Before he sold out Ned proposed reforming governance of Steem by dumping the plutocracy for 1a1v, and using oracles to exclude bots and sock puppets. He never detailed how oracles would work, so I have no idea how such would function.

I do not dislike automation. It's actually great, a tool that really is useful for jobs it is appropriate to, like spot welding hinges on car hoods in a factory, or spray painting cars after they're built. Painting is a very medically hazardous job, and automating it not only increases productivity but prevents terrible suffering from ghastly illness. But there are things automation is inappropriate for, like talking to our neighbors, having picnics, or conceiving our children. Those are things that only should be done by actual people.

A year or so ago I got accused of being AI myself with some regularity, because of how I express myself in writing, which some folks seem to think AI resembles. That quit happening for some reason. Maybe it was bots making the accusations and they gave up? I dunno.

The picture I use as an avatar is from New Guinea, around the turn of the 20th Century I think. I like the look in his eye, and he sorta resembles me in that sense.

I just read his post. Well written and very humoring. 500 people... I wonder how many of those accounts the oligarchy vote down are actually themselves too? Job security?

That's very few people. I've had public speeches before with about that amount. It's not that many. It's basically a crowded church.

Ned proposed reforming governance of Steem by dumping the plutocracy for 1a1v,

Still a plutocracy or oligarchy i think. What Is 1a1v?

Idk what oracles are but if they get rid of sock puppet reaping rewards for ba reasons I'm down with it.

But there are things automation is inappropriate for, like talking to our neighbors

Now wait a minute, hold on there. Lol I know a few npc neighbors I could use automated conversation with. Save me the time and hassle to deal with them again if we cross paths.

But I get your point. Yeah it's not entirely ok and it's unfair. I would hate to be in a long conversation and it wasn't even a human being. I've had that happen many times in telegram, FB and Twitter back in the day. Automated picnics? Weird to even clue how that would look like. Probably will just make anyone else feel socially awkward even if they aren't even in the picture.

Cheers mate. Time for sleep.

"What Is 1a1v?"
One account one vote.

"...they get rid of sock puppet reaping rewards..."

That was the purpose, and the oligarchy fought against it uncompromisingly. That's why Ned gave up, sold out, and gave birth to Hive.
IMG source -

Yeah I need to work on that lol