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RE: Day 1 - Advent Calendar 2023, Win prize everyday! πŸŽ„πŸŽ

in Ecency β€’ 4 months ago

In this hive journey of almost one and half year, I have done 100% power up every time except the last few days and currently I have reached 4230 HP. So my only goal at HIVE is to reach the auspicious 5100 HP target by 31st December.
This is not that difficult because I only need roughly 900 HPs extra to achieve an auspicious 5100 goal but my current average is about 550 to 600 HPs per month so it takes A Little Magic to reach 900 this month! πŸ€πŸ˜Š

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I'm sure there's no impossibility to achieving set goals. Just keep doing what's right.

Thank you for your motivation.😊 I am doing my best every day!

The magic will come, remain constant and creative

I'm doing my best as always! :)
Thank you for your wishes. Hope we all achieve our goal!πŸ™πŸΌ

I'm sure you'll accomplish your goal. There's nothing impossible. You just need a little bit more of commitment and hard work and you'll do it.

Thank you for your wishes my friend. I'm doing my best but it is also true that it could be better because there is always scope for improvement.
I hope we all achieve our goals! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΌ

You're right. We can always improve our work so we can do it better. That means you can do it. Use this holidays to make more posts so you can earn those 900 HP you need.

You can always make it if you try to hit it before the end of the year. You gat 99% success on it, why the 1% is to make it 100%... Lol



I'm trying my best as always because every percent matters. I have a goal for my second Hive anniversary too. Achieving something makes us happy and we never get tired of happiness my friend. :)

You are very correct 😊😊😊😊...

Good luck! You are doing very well! You should share your tips and experience on making HP on Hive :)
Probably, it will be useful to everyone :)

To be honest, I don't think I've achieved anything worth giving tips to others yet. I have seen users who are doing much better than me, I've just started and I still have a lot to learn from you guys.

But if you really think that you can learn something from me then let me tell you that whatever I have done in this one-and-a-half year for any project, community or individual, I have done it selflessly with all my heart and honesty.

I still remember when I read the official ecency post announcing the closure of the boost feature, I genuinely felt bad that such a good feature which everyone uses every day also had to be closed because when Ecency needed it, it did not get enough support.
And from that day, as I said, Selflessly with all my heart I started promoting Ecency everywhere and telling people what an amazing platform it is. Then I guess Melinda noticed this and slowly I myself became a part of Ecency team.

I have a few more stories like this but the point is that I did my best selflessly and kept my karma good and you know the rest! :)

A good number, the 4230 HP you turned on, congratulations on that, and for the rest of this month, buddy, LET'S GO!

Thanks buddy! Hope we all achieve our goals.😊✌🏼

Luck of the Irish to you πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Thank you so much for your blessings!πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΌ
I hope we all achieve our goals.

Well done and good, I'm sure you'll reach your goal and I wish you all the best. πŸ’ͺ
As we say in French: "Where there's a will, there's a way..."

Yess, thank you for this encouragement. I hope I will achieve this goal. Best of luck to all of us!😊