Serial purity

in Ecency3 months ago

Practice sexual purity in the relationship you are.Dear sisters, don't let any man cajole you into having sex, the bed should be and remain undefiled.

Don't sell your self worth under the flimsy excuse of we've been together for so long or I'm afraid he will leave me and do it with someone else, let him go if he can't practice sexual purity with you.

Sex before marriage doesn't keep a man!
Sex before marriage doesn't keep a relationship, the earlier you know this, the best for you.

Trust me, that step you took was a great mistake because sooner or later, is either this same guy leave you or start cheating on you.

The truth of the matter is you can never use sex to hold a man, the ones that will stay will stay and respect your decisions and the ones that will not stay will not stay.

So when you find yourself in this kind situation like this, stand on your word, is left for him to respect your decisions, and if you can't let him go. I understand the fact that is not easy but trust me, God will bring the best for you!
