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RE: It's a Beautiful Feeling, in Oblivion...

in Ecencylast year

Oh goodness! A few wow mentions here... you met your wife at school? That's wonderful! So lovely when those relationships grow so beautifully together. My hubby and I met at a local English pub in South Africa. Been together 27 years. Time flies! And your kids are much bigger now? How old are they now? And is your baby still a baby? hahaha I've heard of the Smokey Mountains but never been to North Carolina. I had a colleague who moved over to N. Carolina many years ago. His dad is American, his mom British. So he had dual citizenship. He ended up marrying an American woman and moving back to London at some point but I remember seeing his pics on FB and it always looked idyllic out there. If I recall correctly, Dawson's Creek was filmed in North Carolina too! I love the mountains. They are my happy place 🤗 Maybe I'll visit the Smokies one day too. I'd love to hike in the Colorado Rockies and the BlueRidge Mountains too! I've spent time in the Drakensberg Mountains, the Lake District in England, and in the Sierra Nevadas... all gorgeous.

It's nice to have actual conversations in comments instead of some of the 3-5 word messages you see sometimes!

👆THIS 💯% - Because... well... it's not that easy to connect with people 3-5 words at a time, right?! 😅

Connection in the comments is something I tried to do from my start on Hive. About two months in, I stumbled upon a community collaboration on Hive that was promoting connection through comments, and I joined in... that was pretty much the start of my journey with Dreemport... I've met some lovely people through the community and never looked back. When you find your tribe, where you belong; an online community that feels like family - in the best sense of the word lols... it makes it a joy to log on each day.

Catch you soon, Rob!


Yes, the baby's picture is about a week old. He'll be 8 months old in about 2 weeks. The two older boys are now 17 (or will be this coming Friday) and the other turned 15 in December. And yes, we have a BIG gap between our first two sons and the new one.