Life is indeed a spoon 😂

in Ecency4 months ago

“Life is indeed a spoon”. This is a common quote between my sister and I. This is our way of describing how life's events sometimes don't make sense. They are mostly undescribable and unexplainable

I was just having a conversation with my sister and we got talking about her love life. She was in a relationship with a guy for some time and it was a bittersweet kind of relationship. Meanwhile there's this other guy who was falling head over heels for her, but she chose the other one.

For the sake of this story, let's assume that my sister’s name is Gigi and the guy she dated is called Coco, while the guy who was crazy about her is Bean.

By the way, I'm sharing this story here with her permission.

Gigi met with both Coco and Bean almost the same time, but it took very little effort for her to agree to date Coco, while Bean kept trying to win her love.

Meanwhile I remember when she always had something to tell me about Coco. He was almost like the air she breathe at that time. It was Coco here, Coco there.

In no time, praises started to turn to complains about Coco's behaviors. He didn't give attention, he was petty, always nagging, he paid more attention to his job than he did to her, at some point, she suspected that he was cheating on her.

Furthermore, Coco began to make promises that he didn't keep. Once when she bought him a gift, he dashed it out to his friend. Gigi was generally not happy in her relationship with Coco.

On the other hand, Bean didn't give up. He kept chasing and trying to win my sister's love. It's safe to call him “patient Mr Bean”

Well my sister, Gigi, had a serious argument with Coco and they broke up. On his birthday, she wanted to go on a date with him. She had made reservations but when the time came, he didn't show up. That's what lead to the argument.

A photo of my sister after the break up.

About a month after Gigi broke up with Coco, Bean reached out again and this time around, she decided to give him a chance.

It turns out, my sister was missing out on a lot while she was with Coco, because she says Bean is the nicest guy ever.
Kind-hearted, always available, buys her loads of gifts, appreciates any gifts she gives to him, no matter how small it is, he's always calling to check up on her even when he's at work.

I know that at this point you'd be thinking “ouuuu… she's lucky!” Well she's definitely lucky, but she doesn't really love him as much as she loved Coco.

She doesn't see herself giving him her all like she did in her most recent past relationship.

Strangely, I tend to understand her. That's because I've been in such a position before. Let me briefly share my story.

I have a friend who liked me for a long time. Though he didn't come out to state his intentions, but while we were very good friends, it was obvious that he wanted us to be more than just friends.

He'd buy gifts for me, take me out on random dates, it even got to where I knew the pins to his debit cards. At some point, he began to send monthly allowances to me. All these while, he never mentioned his intentions.

When he later did, I declined. That didn't stop him. I still got my monthly allowance.

I didn't want to lead him on when I knew outrightly that I didn't want a romantic relationship with him. I preferred to be very good friends with him instead. Fast forward to now, we're still very good friends, but he stopped my monthly allowance because I got married and he has found a girlfriend.

I could go on and on with this, but the summary is that sometimes people ignore the better package and end up loving and giving their all to people who don't seem to deserve it.

Although I still hope that with time, Gigi would grow to love Bean.

Thank you for stopping by


Most times we keep giving even when we're not receiving the same energy often hoping for a better outcome. It's best to train your heart despite what it feels to stay where you're valued and walk away when you see glaring signs of disrespect and nonchalant vibes

Exactly! Thank you so much for stopping by

You're welcome ❤️

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