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RE: It Was Either This Or Leave it Blank

in Ecency3 years ago

Thanks for that uncharacteristically educational post, I've been wondering what the boost was all about.

On a more personal note, you could have just said something, and I would have calmed down my promotions :D

Did you see my hand up? That's because I really do care what you think about scented candles. It's a point of contention at times between Hedge Witch and I, and in that argument, backup (or opposition that must be suppressed) from slightly familiar people on the internet is just as valid as any other input.

While you're plugging Ecency (you have my vote for brand embassador), don't forget to thank them (and me) for this sweet little bank error in your favor...

vote dandays.jpg

I mean, if I can't bribe you with a billion dollar upvote, what works?

Right, right, calm down the promotions.

I'll work on that, but what else am I supposed to do with all those points? Bribe comedy contest judges?


I'm torn where to start. I really, really need to address two issues and I don't know where to start like a 3-wick candle. 1 is plenty, know what I mean? 2's more than enough, more than 2 they get lopsided and burn unevenly to where the glass gets burn marks. I can't remember what the second one was now.

So I got 3 weathered wood candles in a row, they're fuckin amazing. 1 wick is all it takes, less than 5 minutes you can smell the thing outside. Then I mixed it up; got a weathered wood and a sweet tea at the same time. When I got to the counter the little girl was "like oh my God like sweet tea is like the best eveerrr!" I still can't remember the second one.

I informed her weathered wood is the best candle out of all candles created in the history of candles. She disagreed. Even laughed it off. If I wasn't such a softhearted, kind, word sugar coating, uncharacteristically educational and motivating speaker I'd throw the fuckin thing at her register as hard as I could like 'gimme my money back!'

Now I remember. I keep meaning to remind myself this is public.

We were getting some good 3 wick candles from TJ Maxx for a while, don't remember what kind they were, just that they smelled fantastic, burned evenly, and cost more than a foreign baby.

Public? That can't be true, can it? Do I need to go through and edit my whole history?

Do I need to go through and edit my whole history?

If it was that easy they'd all do it and call it national curriculum.

That was funny, I almost prematurely coughed out weed smoke!