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RE: Container gardening with marginal success.

in Ecency2 years ago

That's the beauty of gardening - there's always next year. Looks to me like you did quite well for your first year. My first year I got nearly nothing except for cherry tomatoes, which grew so high the rodents couldn't reach them. I don't think it got a whole lot of sun either. The screened box is a great idea. Plant flowers too! There must be flowers that repel rodents. I have good luck repelling rodents by putting short lenths of thorny stems on top of the dirt. Good luck next year!!!


Thorny stems! That will be worth trying. I have tried sprinkling cinnamon and hot pepper around and that had absolutely no effect. I'll keep trying!

It's very satisfying when you figure out how to grow this or that. The only way to figure out what not to grow is to fail a few times. I'm getting rid of rhubarb and not growing sweet potatoes again, for instance, because they attract Japanese Beetles. You;ve got quite a lot of space there, I'm sure you can produce quite a lot.

I do have space, but much of it is densely shaded. Keeps the house cool, but not ideal for growing most things!