

The user knows why the account is blacklisted.


You were blacklisted 18 months ago for keeping refusing to stop keeping spamming the Hive ecosystem and the Hive blockchain with mass plagiarism of quotes (no sources/authors were provided) to farm rewards; with the account @quotes-haven.


You created the above account "netizen01" to circumvent the blacklist.

It seems that you know very well why this account is also blacklisted.

@hivewatchers, your automated actions are harming the user experience. why is @spaminator consistently downvoting the posts. e.g. my recent one:

As you know very well the account was blacklisted over a year ago for creating Beem Engine mass spam flooding the Hive Ecosystem. Altogether with few other accounts engaging in this scheme.

I doubt no mass spam flooding, and for annoucements memos, the transfers are not fee and all paid i guess (min 0.001 HIVE + RC bandwidth). thanks.
It is a promotion service like many (ecency, peakd or others) incentivising community stick to HIVE Posting and stuff.