Summer is almost over. Did you manage to do everything you wanted?

in Ecency3 years ago


The summer is almost over and August 31 is on the calendar, a quiet sadness creeps into my heart because I am aware that the summer is almost over.

Just today, a cold air front arrived in Latvia after a great wave of summer heat, which reminds us that autumn is fast approaching. Weather forecasts also indicate that the charmingly warm summer weather is over and the temperature may drop to -1°C during the next few nights and will not exceed +15°C during the day.

The last days of the best time of the year deserve to be spent in something special. It is as if created for bright events, which will later become warm memories in the long winter evenings. Have you already planned how to spend the last summer days?

Speaking about my plans for the last days of summer. There is no specific plan because at this moment we are in the active grain sowing season. There is a lot of work and limited time, so there is not much free time left for a holiday. At this moment, I still can't say exactly, but I have planned the last summer trip with friends, which if everything planned goes successfully, you will find out about it in another article on my blog.

But unfortunately, now I need to go back to work, the harvested grain field is already waiting for me.

Freely write in the comments what your plans are for the last summer days. And what you didn't manage to do at this summer, maybe it's not too late?

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Picture source: (royalty-free images).


This summer has been beautiful here in the UK. The 31st August is the last day of summer and my birthday, tomorrow is officially the first day of autumn but it looks like the temperature will stay in the 20Cs at least for the next few days. So I will spend the last few precious warm days sitting in the garden enjoying the sun.

Wow, nice also happy birthday! 🤝 Hmmm, interesting we in Latvia say 31st August is the last day of summer but officially in the calendar astronomical autumn begins on the 23rd of September.