Esta foto es simplemente hermosa. Se nota cuanto se aman ellos dos, aunque Alejandro no ve tanto a su tia la ama y disfruta del tiempo que pasa con ella. Hace algunos dias una buena amiga estuvo de cumpleaños y @denissemata pudo ir y disfrutamos de un buen rato y tomamos esta foto tan bella. Ellos disfrutando de su tiempo juntos.
This photo is simply beautiful. You can tell how much the two of them love each other, although Alejandro doesn't see his aunt so much, he loves her and enjoys the time he spends with her. A few days ago a good friend had her birthday and @denissemata was able to go and we enjoyed a good time and we took this beautiful photo. They enjoying their time together.
He estado bastante alejada de la plataforma pero es que literal estamos viviendo una locura con la luz se va muchas horas al día y son muchas las horas que pasamos sin señal en nuestros celulares. Espero volver a estar mas activa aquí y compartir mas con ustedes de mi día a día.
I have been quite far from the platform but it is that we are literally living a madness with the light going out for many hours a day and there are many hours that we spend without signal on our cell phones. I hope to be more active here share more with you about my day to day.
Viendo esta fotografia pensé en @melinda010100 y como es increible que aun le quede la ropa que le enviaste a Alejandro y en 13 dias ya tendrá un año y la ha usado desde que tenia 2 dias de nacido. A sabido sacar provecho de esta ropa.
Seeing this photograph I thought of @melinda010100 and how incredible that he still has the clothes you sent to Alejandro and in 13 days he will be a year old and he has used them since he was 2 days old. You know how to take advantage of these clothes.
Esta foto es simplemente perfecta😍😍😍