Mitt Romney is not a republican. and he should be kicked out of the Republican party

in Ecency3 years ago


I'm serious. I'm not saying this out of anger about his vote for a pedophile on the supreme court

or even about how he was the only senator in history to vote FOR the impeachment of his own parties president (a betrayal in itself that put him at odds with the agenda of the party he claims to be a member of)

I'm talking about how there is
nothing conservative about mitt romney

the liberal millionaire and ex governor of blue massachusetts doesn't have a conservative position at all. on anything

yet he continues to pretend to be a republican

as senator he has sided with the democrats more often than republicans

he has repeated democrat talking points that no reasonable
person would believe..

we expect democrats to lie in favor of their party.. but what motivation could a registered republican have to repeat those same lies?

we've seen this before. with registered republicans who are secretly democrats

republican fbi director james comey pretended to be republican for many years

until his career was over. and he showed his true colors. and it was blu

by 2018 (only one year after being fired for incompetence and corruption) he was on cnn demanding americans vote democrat and out knocking on doors for democrats

this isn't the actions of a republican who simply disagrees with the president (of course what reason could a conservative HAVE to disagree with trump? he's the most conservative president)

no. someone who simply disagrees with the president is different.. those were the actions of a man who had always been a democrat and could finally stop pretending

democrats strategy for a long time had been to plant double agents in the GOP to harm them from within

and many liberals who are corrupt join the GOP and vote against their own ideology in exchange for donations from corporations..

romney and comey weren't alone

liz cheney too. a woman who votes with the democrats a good 40% of the time..

yet pretends to be a republican

there is nothing conservative about these people..

as governor romney repeatedly raised taxes for socialist programs

as presidential candidate he was one of the leading activists for obamacare (although he called it romneycare)

his presidential promises included lowering taxes on the rich while raising them on the poor

as senator he marched with blm

and voted to impeach the president over a conspiracy theory everyone knew was false

even with the supreme court he voted against her for lower courts. and only supported her after he realized the rest of the democrats supported her

this was not "voting his confidence" as democrats claim. it was purely a political decision to keep in with the rest of his democrat party

romney spends more time on cnn than fox

he worships biden and hasn't said one negative thing about the man

for a guy who was so concerned about trumps "morals" romney was awefully quite about a president who's repeatedly on video groping women and children. has 10 female accusers. called the military idiots. attacks the free press. has a crackhead son. and under scrutiny for selling influence to america's enemies..

where is mitt romneys big speeches?

romney was always a democrat. always agreed with democrats

and scammed the GOP. there is no reason to allow him and ppl like him into the republican party