I didn't realise there was manual intervention on the boosts. Good to know it's not a lawless free for all. I hate seeing the same stuff over and over in my feed. I think that happens in peakd.
But anyway, back to candles... :0D
I didn't realise there was manual intervention on the boosts. Good to know it's not a lawless free for all. I hate seeing the same stuff over and over in my feed. I think that happens in peakd.
But anyway, back to candles... :0D
Several times I've seen Ecency used as a comparison when such n such front is accused of voting abuse. When I explain it's not a lawless free for all they're like .......................
Wassup Boom? Always a pleasure when you stop by man. I hear you, before this I still had a Christina Aguilera poster in the garage.
I still have a Christina Aguilera poster in my garage. The duuurrrty one.
I always like a troop down the dandays way! :0D
The white bed sheets and red rose petals one? Never heard of it.
If it looked like that I am sure that would be the one. Never seen it tho so couldn't confirm..
I've never seen the Genie in a Bottle one either if anyone asks.
I would say it wasn't as good, if I had seen it
Oh Sweet Tea! I fell for that one last time, a double-wicker, total false advertising.
Ooft, I have definitely definitely never seen that one!!!
Dammit. I coulda went on and on with you about what a girl wants and dammit if my wife didn't yank me away for a dinner party and I'm not making that up.
I'm confused by the fact of the existence of "Weathered Wood" candles.