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RE: Ecency Basics: Decks Page.

in Ecency6 months ago (edited)

Saludos, comunidad. Hoy entré a la blockchain por ecency, como acostumbro, e iba a hacer un comentario a un post y me fue imposible hacerlo por ecency. Tuve qué entrar por peakd para poderlo hacer. Aparecía esto:

Greetings, community. Today I entered the blockchain through ecency, as usual, and I was going to comment on a post and it was impossible for me to do so through ecency. I had to log in through peakd to be able to do it. This appeared:

Sin título.png

¿Tienen ustedes idea de lo que ocurrió allí?

Do you have any idea what happened there?

De hecho este comentario también lo hago desde porque ecency no me deja

In fact this comment I also make it from because ecency won't let me


New release is causing some issues. We are working on it. Soon everything should begin to work.

Ah, ok, thanks for answering.