
in Ecency3 years ago

Sometimes in life, shit happens.
You meet people, you lose people.
You’re on top of the mountain, you’re at rock bottom.
Life is just regression to the mean.
Nothing good stays good, as nothing bad stays bad.
It’s all about balance.

Balance comes when you learn that everything does, indeed, happen for a reason.
It comes when you realize that karma is real, and what you exude is what you will reap.
It comes with realizing that you won’t always get to tell your side of the story, and you don’t have to.
It comes with learning to let go of what is toxic and breathe in what makes you whole.
It comes with realizing that there is no such thing as perfect, but some things are pretty damn close.

You must learn to be ok with being the bad guy sometimes, even if you don’t deserve it.
But you must also be able to admit and own your mistakes when you do.
You must learn that you cannot and will not ever be able to control someone’s actions, except those of your own.
You must learn that forgiveness is for you, not for others.
And that peace of mind comes when you just learn to let go of all the things that inhibit your growth.

In life, you will make mistakes.
You will stumble and fall many times along your journey.
But to get back up, brush yourself off and continue moving forward, means another lesson learned.

Do not harbor anger. It will only make you cold.
After all, you shouldn’t drink poison just because you’re thirsty…

Not everyone will love the way you love.
When you find someone who does, keep them close.
When you find someone who can’t, move on.

Your happiness comes from within yourself.
Not in money, not in objects, not from others.

I have been at rock bottom, but also on top of the mountain.
I’ve both scorned and been scorned.
I’ve seen Karma work both for me, and against me.
I’ve been pushed down, but never held down.
Im on my own two feet again.
The weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Ive moved on from my past, and look forward to my future.

Life is what you make it.
Everything that’s happening is happening for you, not to you.
Stay calm. Stay in control.
Learn to let things roll off your shoulders.
Embrace the ones who love as you do, leave those who don’t where they lie.
Every single thing happens for a reason… believe that.
