Your Righteousness Will Speak For You

in Ecency5 months ago

Happy Sunday to you, people of God. How was your today's service? I hope it went well.

Ours was powerful because it was my Father's send-forth ceremony.

I will be sharing my experience on what I title Your righteousness will speak for you. It gladdens my heart to share the joy I have today being my father's send_ fourth ceremony.

It was a long-awaited day, but I thank God that he has proven himself, at the right time.

[Image by me]

My father started his pastoral ministry at a very tender age. According to him, he had nothing when he accepted God's call.

When I grew up, I asked him how his call started, and how he knew he had a call. He told me, he was living with a pastor, who happened to be the founder of Redemption Ground Ministry Inc.He, served the man wholeheartedly.

As time went by, he got used to his master's character as well as his ministry. He had to approach God in prayer. He asked God to give him a double portion of his master's ministry, and the lord heard his prayer.

[Image by me]

He was a carpenter by profession. But, because of the zeal he had for God's work, he had to train people who would take over from him while he would be out there, doing his father's will.

When we had our conversation, I asked him, if there was anything he said to God before he started his pastoral ministry, and he said yes

I was eager to hear. He said to me he told God that if God doesn't ask him to work in his vineyard, he should kill him. He said he didn't have passion for any other work, apart from serving in God's vineyard.

I thought it was a joke when he said that, but he was able to convince me that he wasn't joking at all.

I could recall the second station he was posted to. The God, who saw his heart and his righteousness, stood by him. The work of God flourished in his hands, and later, he was transferred to another station.

The day he left that station, he left with many surprises from the people he nurtured.

He had been serving God from the year 1974 up till date. It's not easy to take care of people who have different mindsets, backgrounds, and lots more.

[Image by me]

Growing up as a child, I saw different characters exhibited by some church members, but he was able to correct them in a lovely way.

He's indeed a true servant of God. His kind is rare.
Today, he's reaping what he sowed. The jubilation I witness today in our church, I've never seen such.

The testimonies, people gave revealed how far God has brought him.

His righteousness spoke for him. I recall the day he went for evangelism; they called him and told him that his mother was dead.

People thought he would rush back home, but he told them he wouldn't leave his father's work to attend to his mother, who had started her journey to the land of death.
He asked them to keep her till he returned.

What a great decision to take. Honestly, if I was the one, I would have rushed back home. He was faithful to the core.

He was remembered for what he did for the people in a short while, he stayed with them. My eyes were full of tears when I saw the crowd that came out from different denominations to say thank you to him.

[Image by me]

What would you be remembered for? It's a question we all must answer. Have you ever contributed to people's happiness? If your response is no, that means if you depart right now, everyone, would forget about you. They will even forget that someone like you existed.

Continue doing the right thing and your righteousness will speak for you.

Thank you for your time.

I remain your favorite girl @joyben.


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