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RE: A Proud Moment for Every Parent.

in Ecency2 months ago

I could have loved to hear his voice too.
Because I believe it will be as cute as be looks.
Nice one.
It's a thing of joy and what you should be proud of, but more kudos to your wife for understanding.

I had a funny experience with my niece years back.
She was saying something we didn't understand in the house repeatedly.
Her mom wasn't around to hear us out and she couldn't stop saying it because she wanted us to understand her.

I was afraid because she might cry, trying to make us understand her.
Then, when I finally understood what she was saying, everybody was very happy and glad.

What she was saying was out of the box and we couldn't have known with just a guess.


Yeah I tried to 3 time to upload video but failed

Don't worry about it.
It's a beautiful experience you had with your son.

Yeah I was wonderful experience.

That's beautiful 😍

Yeah I understand your feelings at that time.
Because most of the time I also don't understand what he is saying....BTW What she was saying??

That her mommy cooks a special meal on a rainy day.