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RE: What Is Your Favorite Hive Engine Token? Why? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.12 (Wednesday, January 17, 5 PM UTC)

in Ecencylast year

I'm glad you decided to share this topic in the program because there are people who come to Hive and only know that, I myself took a couple of years to realize the existence of the tokens and accumulated a lot that was sent to me, but I was immersed only in creating content and rewards in HBD, now is that I understand a little more and still there are things I do not know, like who create the tokens and how difficult and reliable it is...

Well, I don't think I can attend tomorrow, but the recaps have helped me a lot and it's good for me because I watch them when I have time 😅


You are right! The HIVE ecosystem is huge and it's hard to grasp everything... That's why it's important to have these posts and events that talk about different aspects so people can learn about them, and use the opportunities that they are giving!

I'm glad to hear that you like recaps as I was in doubt that anyone is checking them out at all!