Your account is compromised. The bots are downvoting to get you to come in and take notice that the keys were leaked. Please change your keys as soon as you are on a computer where it's safe to do so and save them offline. I checked your account just now, you don't have any withdraw routes or similar, which is a good sign at least. I'm taking you off the warning list since you're recovering.
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There's gotta be a better way, creating a new account for these "downvote tags" is really not that hard than lumping them in with spaminator.
Looks like I misread your message.
Nvm, it was discussed in more details in dm's.
We're talking on MM now. I missed your first message in Nov. @albuslucimus DM me when you can, on the Openhive Chat off maybe or Discord.
Hopefully it’s a mistake, Albus is a great dude and has been solid here! I’m curious where we’re the keys stolen/leaked? Is it the minnow school thing? That way I can advise some of the other newer people that I’m helping get some traction. Thanks!
Thanks @cmplxty!
schoolofminnows/teacherofsteem/schoolofsteem is a scammer from Steemit that got hold of hundreds of keys from different accounts to defraud.
Thank you so much for this response! I will change these as soon as I can get to a computer without IT restrictions.