When you arrive at a new place, the ideal thing to do is to see and hear what the place is like.
When you arrive at Hive/Ecency, you must be attentive and hungry to get to know it and then unleash your gifts.
Keep your passwords in a safe place other than on an electronic device, e-mail, or in the cloud. The idea is to keep it in writing. With that, you will avoid regrets in the future.
Check all the communities to locate our niche.
Read the rules of the communities. This is very important.
Make comments to other publications. With this, we will relate with others and as a consequence, we will learn and be noticed.
Take the platform as our company, something of ours that we must take care of and defend. Do not take it superficially, as if it were something to make extra money. With time you will know what I mean.
Try to create quality content that teaches, that leaves a call to action.
Do not plagiarize.
Definitely, have patience and work.