I am powering up my account.

in Ecency6 months ago


Dear all, recently, I was not able to spend time on Hive because of engaging on myriad matters. It was a tough time for me. There is not so bad as to be busy in the work which is not yours. Yeah, this happens with everyone who is an employee of someone and works for somebody who gives small salary for the hard work which others do for him.

Life is tough for everyone, except for them who are rich. This is the reason that I am trying hard to save money for myself so that I may become independent. That's why I am staking cryptos. I think cryptos can change my future and remove my miseries. This is the reason of my powering up this time as well. This is the first day of the month. So, I power up my hive account with a little hive power.

Fortune plays a bad game with people like me. Once I had about 5k as the splinterlands cards. Now the value of my cards is just $100 which is a great setback for me. Hive price is also not increasing. This is so bad for me. I request you to please support me. Please upvote my posts.

Yours @erica005


Keep growing!

Thank you very very much dear @melinda010100

Sending you points tip♥️
Thank you for making a post in the Ecency community.

I am so happy to receive upvote. Thank you very much.

True, no one promised an easy life. We can only do our best without the expectation of someone doing it for us. I'm glad you are still with us. I may not be able to post often but I will always support as many as I possibly can.

It is good to see you Powering Up. The worst times are over. I too went through some extremely bad things during the bear market. I expect the next few months to be a lot better. We will most likely have the peak of the market in late 2025. My goal is to get some stablecoins such as HIVE and then use them for passive income in the bear market.

@erica005 Before you decide what to do with the 10000 LasseCash @lasseehlers "donated" you might want to read this:

Five Reasons Why LasseCash is Trash


This is the matter of concern. Thank you dear @holovision.cash for this update.

I provided evidence in the post and even quoted you.

You are a flat Earther who claims that every image NASA has taken of Earth from space is fake.

Just because you don't like facts doesn't make them false.