
Maybe you should work on the front end of the app a little. This is the second time I purchased 500 points for a buck and it did not get deposited. Otherwise, it is a great app and I would hate to abandon it.

Hi, sorry for the trouble. Could you please elaborate more? How did purchase points via mobile app using PlayStore or AppStore? What was the amount, sometimes we noticed some delay from Apple AppStore but other purchase options should be relatively quick

I payed through my iPhone and it was 500 points. It looks like it is processing now, thank you for that. Is this glitch through Apple’s App Store recent? In the past with larger purchases of the points I had no problems. Only since I have been buying 500 points at a time have I had this happen.

What are the other methods to purchase? I see some folks forward HIVE or HBD direct on the blockchain. How does that work?

Maybe Apple introduced this change, they process it slightly longer compared to before, that’s why our service waits until fully confirmed and then issues the points. I don’t know if there are any distinctions on Apple side for smaller or bigger amount of payment but we will check and see what has changed maybe we will find some ways to solve.

Ecency to the world

nice blog

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Nice job

Ecency is the only dApp in the entire blockchain space u just use with knowing it's on blockchain. Your Points has lot of value. Hope communities can take advantage of it to powered their audience.

Thank you! 🤗

Nice and informative post 📯
Thanks for your support 🤗

At least you rotate your emojis 😘

At least you rotate your emojis 🤔

At least you rotate your emojis 🤫

At least you rotate your emojis 😉


2nd day after trying to make a scheduled post, I can't publish any post through the ecency interface

Your schedule failed because your account run out of Resource Credits. Please make sure you have enough Resource credits left so your scheduled post can get published.

I made a dozen attempts with different publishing settings, will they all crash now when RC is accumulated?

At the time of publishing our service try to publish and if your account doesn't have enough RC, it will fail again. Try not to do any other operations like voting, etc so your RC can accumulate faster. Alternative we can delegate you few HP until post is published.

Are you and @hive-102040 the same person?

You're new here, I'll try to explain. Resource Credits (RC's) are like bandwidth per se and you don't have unlimited. No one does. Unlike other social media platforms, the blockchain isn't free, every action we do requires payment in the form of RC's.

Scrolling your history, you're upvoting every response at 100%. You, me, Ecency, all of us can hand out 10 100% upvotes per day without losing functions. Depending on your stake, you can lower your voting percentage while still making a noticeable contribution and use less RC's.

In your case, stop upvoting all your responses at 100%. Keep an eye on your RC's at Try to limit your edits. Each time you edit something, you're using RC's. You don't want them to slip below 70% and you're currently at 4% so I understand if you don't respond.

Hope this helps. Cheers.

Thanks, I was just trying unsuccessfully to find why the scheduled post didn't go through. Interestingly, it worked out through D.Buzz, it turns out they consume less RC

Like that. You voted my comment at 100%, that's what I'm suggesting you stop doing until your RC's generate. requires less RC's to post but your upvotes cost the same regardless what front you're on.

может вам будет интересна идея создаваемого сообщества. Я хочу, чтоб вместо простыней, которые в переводчике выглядят, как дубли, люди писали на живом языке на те несколько тем, которые могут изменить мир. А глобализированный перевод публиковали отдельно. И таким образом контент был бы самобытней, а решение задач, как шахматных, так и социальных, стало бы Темойmaybe you will be interested in the idea of ​​creating a community. I want instead of twin bedsheets that look like duplicates in the translator, people write in a living language on those few topics that can change the world. And the globalized translation - was published separately. And thus the content would be more original, and the solution of problems, both chess and social, would become the Theme

Communities aren't my thing. I only do them cuz they're a thing now.

Ecency dreams come true

Very nice blog sir

Thank you ecency for the points

That is very generous! Is there a list of all DHF donations?

We have done this only twice, previous one is linked, we should probably have list of posts in future iterations. Plan is to do this every 3 months.

Do others beside Ecency donate to the DHF?

Yes, many people do directly or indirectly. For example our @ecency.stats post rewards goes to as 100% beneficiary, many others do similar.

Nice blog sir

Muy buen blog amigo

Nice job

Nice blog 👌

i really need ro get back into the hive network! there are just so many!!

Amazing blog love it so much your work, keep doing!