How to vote content on Ecency?

in Ecency3 years ago (edited)

There are 2 kind of voting on Ecency:

  • Upvote
  • Downvote



You can promote the author and their content by upvoting.

For giving your upvotes click which you can see after the post. Here you can further choose your voting weight with slider. After choosing percentage from slider, click upvoting button, that's it. Voting slider shows estimated vote value noticeable when you have more Hive Power at stake. That way you see how much potential reward, you want to allocate or give to authors. Consistently receiving upvote on content/post will increase reputation of the author as well. When account is new and doesn’t have any Hive at stake yet, they don’t notice anything big. Upvote value will have same strength according to Hive Power stake account holds. The more you hold more you have influence over which content gets into Trending and Hot topics across the network. Having more Hive Power is always great that gives you more Resource Credits as well so you can perform more operations on platform.



Reporting the content or disagreeing with potential pending reward of particular post or post which is abusive or disrespectful towards others, you can downvote them. Downvoting is negative upvoting potentially removing some reward from author. Downvoting will also influence author's reputation and overall influence how much potentially content will earn. Here also Hive Power stake plays major role, if someone with more Hive Power upvotes while smaller stake downvotes, reputation and reward effects are less.

For giving your downvotes click and choose your voting slider. After choosing downvote percentage, click on downvote button to cast a vote. That's it!


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Use downvote with caution. It should not be used if you simply dont like, or disagree with the post.

thanks for showing us how to upvote and downvote on ecency!:) to be honest, i don't really like downvoting and i think i've only downvoted once so far, but i can understand that there is this mechanism here on hive. i still prefer to write in the comments if i disagree :)

Yea, I don't either. Downvoting is for me like I am making another "enemy" in an online society! So I better comment about my personal opinions if I feel disagreeing something. If the other is too aggressive to be discussed with, then I mute him or her :D.

true! haha i need to check out how to mute somebody even if i am years in hive but sounds like a good idea if somebody is to aggressive..

I dont know how it works on Peakd but for ecency app, you just need to go to their profiles and you see the three dots on the right side. Click on three dots and choose “mute”. Hope it helps. Mute them to avoid the bad vibe affected on you 😂

I don't downvote ever. But I think it is a great tool to keep Hive community neat and clean because everyone have a fear to downvote. So, everyone only post genuine contents. We should teach in comment if anyone bypass the community rules in his post. But if he continuously doing that then we can stop him by downvote.

I did wonder what the whole downvoting thing was about 😂

I believe this will be helpful especially for newbies

This is very informative

Thanks for sharing


Nice post! Showing the 2 processes is very important to understand the difference between both

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You should never downgrade a vote

There are many reasons to downvote a post :)

A long time ago, the initiative to eliminate the option of the negative vote was raised; many people no longer use it.

However, being decentralized, and the fact that Hive has no control over the accounts, makes many abusers want to do whatever they want on the platform.

So, how to control them?

The negative vote.

It is very useful indeed, and it makes these types of individuals stay out of the way.

However, it is also a double-edged sword, especially those who abuse power and have large amounts of Hive Power.

There is no way to control that, people have different opinions and that’s alright. From our experience, we always see more upvotes compare to downvotes, stake of that votes of course indicate how committed they are to the platform.

@ecency I can't post and my voting power has been at zero for more than 4days . How do I solve this problem

I can see now your Resource Credits are fully recharged, should be able to vote and post.

i didn't know the use of it until today, you've done a great work for your enlightenment to the newbies. Thanks so much

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