How to use Snippets on Ecency?

in Ecency8 months ago (edited)

Ecency has neat feature which many might not be aware of. We call it Snippets.

Snippets are small fragment of notes, footnotes, phrases, sentences you can format and insert in your posts and comments any time. They are very helpful if you have footnote on your posts or if you have catch-phrases that you use often.

In this post, let us show you how to use it.

Editor page on or Ecency mobile app has following icon that opens up easy access to Snippets screen. You can modify, insert and add Snippets right from Editor screen.

On website, you can access Snippets from User menu top right of the screen which will allow you to modify and add new snippets.

After you click on snippets icon, you will see following screens respectively on website and mobile app slightly with different interface.

Above screen is on website, you can Insert snippet into Editor.

Above screen is from Ecency mobile app, allows you to edit, delete and insert from single place.

There are no limits on how many Snippets you can have and you can insert them both into your posts and comments.

Video explanation

Have you tried Snippets?

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I've never understood snippets so this tutorial was VERY helpful. Thank you!

Same here!
But I wasn't bothering myself too much. I was thinking, that when I get more time (which, of course, never happened) 😄 I'll dig, investigate, test, and figure out how this thing works.

Or what about when we know about something like oh say, Ecency Decks and then forget it exists and then stumble upon it again and go, "Oh yeah! This is so cool! Why don't I use this more?"

I think in the case of Ecency's Decks, the reason I'm not using it has to do with not making it a new habit. I've gotten into the habit of a few dApps for regular content creation/curation use.

Of course, Hive is constantly expanding and growing. So, I should make time to learn a new thing and then be sure to use it regularly when it makes sense. Which Decks totally makes sense. I just need to develop some new grooves in my brain to remember to use it.

I'm fighting more with (non) available time than with habit, no matter which dApp or tool is in question, but that's why there is always a tomorrow. 😉😀

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Nice tutorial. I am inspired to try them out. I like the examples you show. Sometimes people over use canned responses but the ones you show are all good and appropriate.

I use them every day, snippets help me to save lots of time!!

Never heard of it until now. Looks like a nice little Snippet of a thing. I can see this being useful for common "tag-along" content that can accompany each post.

Wow this is supper excellent. Thanks so much for this amazing tutorial/update it help me alot. !diy

I didn't know about that function, apparently it is very useful for saving codes and phrases that we use frequently.

Yes, indeed

This us very valuable. I can add some short notes i regularly use

Very good feature added by team, appreciate for this.

Hi @ecency :)
A very useful feature and I use it sometimes. But I would like to ask you about another thing. A counter next to a boosted post showing how much time is left until the end of the promotion. You can, of course, find the information in the list of transactions in your wallet, but this is inconvenient and takes a lot of time.

Good suggestion, we will consider adding that. Actually indicator of boost is already in our todo list and counter seem like good expansion.

@mosupholstery just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @ecency! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

Hehe. I am using it from long ago and I need to use it almost in every day.

That is great brother you are a gem 💎

Hehe. Nothing like that 😅. I tried to understand what it was and wondered it

Wow this is awesome and an amazing feature to be included.

Why? Just why...

I mean because you can don't make it something people are going to use...

Idk. Just not seeing any utility.

Thanks for the post. But just why....

Snippets are footers and quick notes you can save and use. You can even use them as template, just create nice formatted snippet and when creating new post, start by inserting that snippet. Good use cases and quite a few already use them.

Quite a few use them...

Yeah I just don't see that. Seriously...

Like what half of hive uses these? Thought they were new...

So you can use a part of a conversation as a template for?...

Just not getting what you are putting down. It's like you are trying to sell a post-it note as groundbreaking technology...

Seriously. This is what you spent time on? Wow. Just wow....

Just not sure this is all you claim it to be...

Take it easy, it is tutorial or guide type of posts. Sometimes not all features are apparent or visible and new people don't know, so we are trying to give short, how-to guides.

I just think that development something that is useful and based in reality would take precedence over something that obviously took way too much time effort and engineering to produce, nothing.

I mean it's really good that you made something that somebody's never going to use. Because really that's what this is.

Just really not seeing what you're talking about.

Sheesh. I mean you could be talking about something that actually does something and I'd be impressed but I'm just not seeing what this does.

Good luck on the next project. I'm just not seeing utility or anything of use here.

Not trying to be negative. Just not seeing why this is so "valuable" when this is never going to be used or needed by the far majority of users.

I mean instead of making this you could have done more functional work I'm sure.

Good luck on the next one!

I use the snippets for template purposes. They work well so that I do not have to re-type a bunch of markdown each time that I make a post.

Just thought to point out that they are handy for me.

Hive is a big platform and there are so many people who prefer to create his own style. You may want to put some extra words or pictures at the end of your post like your signature and use snippets avoiding every time write it. Some kind of comments can be you want to add while commenting on posts. Especially I use it when I don't want to write the same thing again and again. You may not use them but it doesn't mean that nobody uses them.

Hang on... Do you not read the hive statistics?

There is around 2,000 active accounts. I've got 14 accounts plus this one. And we been complaining that the use of hive is down... And it's measured...

So now how many people are using this?

Again I'm just wondering why all this effort is being put into something that's going to appeal to a handful of people.

It's like our promise of web 3.0 is more like bad 90s Internet with some finance capabilities...

Easy to put in video or record video and post? Nope.

Come on. We are actually really small and are having massive issues of retention of users.

Then I see this. All this effort and for?

Not trying to be mean but this is going to be wasted on the masses and get used by what 2 people? The creator and I'm guessing you.

Isn't that the same thing as just having a folder on your computer where you got things copied and saved...

Good luck. Let me know the metrics of this actually being used. Looks to me like someone rerererereinvented a wheel.

Read the comments and you will be sure there are more than 2 people))

I have used snippets since they first became available and find them to be extremely useful, especially when I need to state the same info frequently.

This is one fine tool on that only few knew of.

Interesting and rehived.

Peakd has this feature as well. I need to start using it. 😁

Thanks for this update

thanks for the tip.

@bucipuci Nehodily by se ti Snippets na soutěže?

I use snippets every day and find this Ecency feature to be quite valuable!

I have been wondering what the feature is all about. This post is quite explanatory, so I will start making use of it. Thanks for the tutorial.

Always wondered what snippers was and now I know. Very good for links. Cool. Thanks 🙏

Glad i came across this tutorial😀

I didn't know what this function (icon) was used for, but now it's clear to me.
Instead of copying and pasting constant chunks of text into posts everyday, I'll now create my snippets.

I myself didn't know about it before, after reading this post, I will definitely use it.

Es una información interesante que yo desconocía totalmente. Gracias por compartir.

This is interesting information that I was totally unaware of. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the update

No conocía sobre Fragmentos o Snipppets. Tienen un sentido práctico para adjuntar otros conceptos en el post.