Day 1 - Advent Calendar 2021, Win prize everyday! πŸŽ„πŸŽ

in Ecency β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

Christmas Advent Calendar is annual contest to spread holiday mood and encourage engagement with fellow friends. You can participate daily and win rewards until Christmas!

It is Day 1 everyone!


Challenge #1

Describe your Christmas OR New Years dream!

Leave your answers in the comments section below and 3 best comments will get 100% of this post reward (50%, 30%, 20% respectively) and extra 500, 300, 200 Ecency Points.

Advent calendar will be published everyday, previous day challenge will be closed when next day's challenge post is published, HIVE rewards will be powered up to winners

Thank you for participating!

Happy Holidays!

PS. Don't forget to support comments below, do good deed and share with others during these wonderful season of holidays…


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My Christmas AND New Year's wish is that the world be rid of this madness that is everywhere, that we learn again to respect each other as persons. That the dichotomy in society around us disappears and that we as people work WITH each other instead of opposing each other. That people once again learn to be satisfied with what they have, instead of wanting EVERYTHING. In short ... I wish a peaceful and friendly 2022. Say the impossible when I look at what the situation is like around the world.

Describe your Christmas OR New Years dream!

I would like to get out of the financial discrimination, in which I currently live in. I have multiple disabilities, and nowadays I live under the local minimum wage in Hungary. I receive a low (approximately $250 USD per month) pension-like income. Nowadays I also work as a packager in a four hours per day part time job, but even my total income, which is approximately $470 USD per month, does not reach the local minimum wage, which is (or rather should be) approximately $550 USD per month.

The rent and the regular, monthly bills are very expensive. My current plan is to buy and live on a small sailboat to avoid having to pay rent and the regular, monthly bills.

If I achieve this with the Hive blockchain, then this will be my birthday gift and my Christmas gift at the same time.

I am very grateful and very happy for all the help and support I receive.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings from Hungary.

To celebrate the Christmas and New Year with my whole family.

Yeah , it may sound simple as other family celebrated it every year but as for me I didn't experience it. I envy those family celebrated holiday with complete family members and that's my dream. It may be simple but for me its everything.

This is a familiar situation. I have spent my 29th birthday (2021.09.17) alone. Nobody visited me. Not even my brother. Currently it looks like that I will spend the Christmas with him. Our mother died on 2017.12.17. Just/only one week before Christmas. Shortly after that my brother betrayed me, and we went on separate ways around 2018 May. I live alone since then almost for the entire time, so I also miss a loving family.

My Christmas and new year dream.
Taking it one after the other.

  • Christmas dream
    It has been, to grow from being a minnow to a dolphin in hive blog. This has to be accompanied by better rewards and encouraging audience.
    In the spirit of getting paid from doing what I like the most here, the payout will be used to spice up the most celebrated season in the world whereby, I'll use the money earned to better the loves of those around me. After all, it's a season of celebration, sharing is not an exception, just like ecency is doing.
    For now reason will I dream without dreaming of the extinction of covid-19 from the surface of the earth. That, being the number dream for next year is accompanied with the world coming and regaining back its shortcomings in food supplies.

These are my dream for this season of love

My Christmas dreams are;

  • To be able to afford good for my family
  • To live without violence in SE Nigeria
  • To trade Cryptos freely in Nigeria

New year dreams

  • Nigerian government lifting ban on Twitter use within its region
  • Hive maintaining the value beyond $2

God bless ecency
Happy new month y'all

There are Many things in my mind but first is that to buy home for me and my family because it's becomes our priority.

I have been stuttering since childhood, and this greatly interferes with me. The dream is to get rid of this defect and live a full life.

But speaking more philosophically and broadly, then my dream is that every person on the planet would be happy and healthy.

Honestly my Christmas dream this year is just to have my family, my parents, my brothers family and my sister home from the UK and around the dinner table all safe, healthy and covid free. With new travel restrictions we now don't even know if my sister will get home. If I can have that I'll be the happiest man in the country!!

This year's Christmas dream will not come true 😒

But I wish to see all my family in reality. As my niece has a severe genetic disease we all want to protect her from getting Covid.

Honestly this year has been really tough on me as a person hence why my dreams for Christmas and new year is to find happiness and premium enjoyment

In our city, December is like a happy season, and I would like to say that Christmas is a time of joy, a time when many people have good ideas in their minds.

I would like to say that December is the month that many people always look forward to every year

I wish you all the best of December and be in love with your loved ones in the cold of winter. For friends from hive plafoumt

My Christmas wish is for HIVE to continue climb and get more exposure to the public that way everyone here can be proud and get more from HIVE.

My wish for New Year is that the price of virtual currency I hold would increasingly rise, especially HIVE. And I hope all my family members are healthy.

My wish for the Christmas and New year is that it should be better than this year's own and I should pursue my dreams to become successful in the new year..This new year would be a successful one for us all,let us be persistent and hardworking so that we can achieve our goals

The only hope I'm most looking forward to is that today's Ecency can be enjoyed like the glory days of Esteem in 2017. At that time Esteem was able to bring about change in the society where in my area we very much found the steemits Community .

Goodkarma's work at the time was able to compete with other social media but suddenly goodkarma chose to immigration to and went from Esteem to I am very proud to be able to life on generation of expert like him.

I hope that in the middle of 2022 Ecency can develop completely and succeed in the position of the most hunted by the public.


My new year dream is for people to realize and understand that we can monetize our clicks on social media platforms by using Ecency daily!
Namaste πŸ™

I'm hoping to be splinterlands millionaire hahah cheers!

I'm glad to hear that but I'm not sure being a millionaire will really have a free life

Well, probably yes or probably not, I'm not millionaire yet so who knows hahahah cheers mate πŸ˜‰

My Christmas dream is definitely becoming a top 20 witness here on Hive! It is a far away dream but it motivates to grow daily

Good luck for you mate πŸ€

peiceful world,
no terro no racism no destroy green.

My Christmas Dreams
My dream and wish for this Christmas is that, everyone that has seen today been 1st of December 2021 will be Alive to celebrate this year's Christmas and also see the end of this year.

My New Year Dreams
My New year Dream is that Hive will become the most valued crypto currency and will also increase in it's worth and start counting in Millions.

These are my sincere Dreams, and I say Amen to them.

A dream to see another ATH on hive price and all coins and tokens across all chains.

Another dream is to see ECENCY token been listed outside hive platform and challenge another token out there....

My Christmas and New Years dream is to see my parents again. I live in the US and they live in Brazil. Since Covid started there is a travel ban (just got lifted), and we haven't seen each other in over 2 years. If nothing changes this dream will become true in a couple of weeks. πŸ™

This Christmas I hope that the Indian government brings regulation for the cryptocurrency because this has been one of the topic which is creating lot of issues for the cryptocurrency holders in a country. I wish that Santa does magic which helps the Indian government to realise the potential of Crypto and instead of exploring the option to restrict or ban they bring regulation on place.

I do hear it, crypto exhanger like wazeer price tank since the news is out, India government seem to promote they own cryptocurrency just like cbdc.

My New year dream would be to start fresh with no covid case anywhere in the world. Covid has literally paralyzed us and changed all our plans - it would be a blessing, if we get rid of it in this year only.

This year I got Nelson. He is a rescued dog, we love him, but as most adopted dog, he also came with some behavioral problems. We are working hard to resolve these, and my dream for the new year is that we succeed. If we do we could have a harmonious relationship and we could to be involved in dog sports even on a competitive level (he has really high energy).
I also would love if this covid circus would end, but there is really small chance for that.

Since Christmas is a season of love, for my christmas dream I'd like to be able to feed the street kids. They would have nowhere to join the celebration as the street is the only home they home. Sharing a bit of some good prepared meal would put joy and smiles on their faces which would mean alot to me.
For new year dream I'd just want to spend quality time celebrating with my family. This would give us an opportunity to pray together, share plans for the new year and offer support where necessary to each other.

good start. good luck always.

thank you very much my friend

My Christmas dream is finally witnessing Gnu/Linux mass adoption hihihi


You are out of jokes for the day!

@mrhuman88 you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 2 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

My Christmas and New Years dream is for my new business to be successful. My crypto holdings to moon and this COVID shit to go away.

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hello :-) both my Christmas and New Years and general dream would be, we finaly find peace and rescpect with each other on earth :-) This is a big dream, unrealistic some may say. But wouldnt it be wonderful he became true?

This year 2021, despite being very challenging, was a very good year for me so My Christmas dream is to be present with my family to thank the blessings of this year, to be able to have the whole family together and with health is without doubt the greatest of all. Blessings, eating lots of delicious things and having a good laugh and may this love multiply. I'm preparing some fun games for you to spend quality time together.

My New Year's dream is to be in a more private place, preferably close to nature where I can once again thank for being so blessed this year and ask that these blessings multiply.

I hope that in this new year the doors of abundance and prosperity will be open to everyone who reads this message.

My New Years dream is to diffently get a new 9-5 job for a higher salary and for less work.

Aaaand I hope crypto gets more accepted here, so the tax can be normal xD

Im a difficult stage of my life. Studies and work all co consuming almost all my time.
I would really like to have the chance of solving everything I have pending to enjoy this time relaxedly with my family

My Christmas Dream is to became more reasonable with people. Last two years were very difficult for everybody.if we truly listen to each other and to nature we would have a chance to live better and longer on our planet.

I wish For my country and the world to heal from our current, bitter divide. We need to learn to respect one another and move forward!

Since March 2020, human activities haven't been the same. People lost their jobs even when they needed it to survive, lives were lost due to the pandemic. 2020 was tough but the past 10 months in 2021 have been better compared to 2020.

My new year dream is for actives to get back to normal in 2022. Those who lost their jobs should find something doing and the family of those who lost their relatives should find reasons to smile. In general, I'm dreaming for a better life in 2022 for each and every one on planet earth.

My Christmas dream is that Ecency point will be listed on Binance.

0.001 Hive 100% delegation payout on my 1000HP delegation today?

There was bug with script, thank you for notifying us. We did re-run script, seem to have worked ok now.

Np, assumed it was a bug, thanks for quick reply and for all the awesome work you do to build our awesome community!

Hope the drastic change in boost given per point that is suddenly showing for boost via points is a bug also =/

Also 0.001 delegation reward again today, so you know

My Christmas wish;
I wish to spend the Christmas with my family and friends in good and sound health

My new year wish
I wish for everyone to be alive and well for the new year, and Hive should rise to $10 I know this will mean a lot to of hiveans around the world.

I lose my son on 19 Oct 2021 from aplastic anemia. Because I've dug my way out of unspeakable anguish, misery, and sadness, when joy arrives, it reverberates through every pore of my skin and bone in my body. I profoundly feel love, grief, joy, and pain. I wish I will be able to thank and embrace every morsel. I wish my life for the years to come will be more bright and full, not despite, but because of my loss. I wish grief will bring gifts as many said. I realize that these gifts may not make it all β€œworth it”, but I wish I am more grateful for each and every one. I wish this coming new year of living provides me more delight than I ever imagined.

My Christmas and New Years dream is for my employer to allow me to work from home permanently. I’ve been doing the work successfully from home for almost two years now but they want to push us all back to the office in January. I’ve been able to move closer to family while having work mobility and It’d be nice to keep that rather than moving back across the country to go into an office.

My dream for Christmas and New Year is pretty simple: Hive reaches $1000 and we can all retire to a tropical island :D

My Christmas dream is that this year the Santa sleds would not be run by deers but bulls.

My new year dream is the price of hive should reach $10 and make the platform a better place than what it is today so as my Christmas will be better off than previous ones I have encountered.

Welp i did literally made a post about it like 48 hours ago and you voted on it, but xD ok here i go again:

Basically my dream xmas is here, im just roughting out the details with my fiancee about what are we gonna have as Xmas tradition to our daughter and how we gonna make them :) because my fiancee is from a diferent religion than me and we had many diferent traditions as childs, so we gonna try have the best of both worlds :D

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 


1. My Christmas Wish:
Bless the Blockchain and all things to make Crypto as worldwide, self-controlled, leading, finacial system for all payments!

2. My New Years Wishes

  • I hope, that i can live next year from my passive income, staying healthy (to give out the money, ...) and to make one social project out of the Blockchain, for direct helping.
  • Also give the politic governaces the Wisdom to make better decisions
  • sell nft land to buy real property

Christmas spirit

After a difficult year with many obstacles and some losses, I wish for a reflective celebration with my family, we really like the Christmas season because then we all get together for a few days and spend the holidays together. It's always nice to be with family and then there's the delicious food. During this cosy and contemplative time, we always think about how grateful we can be that we are all doing so well and are allowed to live in peace. In this spirit, I wish everyone that their Christmas dreams come true.

I hope that the COIVD-19 epidemic will end, the world will return to peace, and I will take my family to travel.

In this imperfect world there’s not much I can ask for… I can’t possibly wish for some unrealistic total world peace or something of that sort. But I know never to underestimate the power of a good deed born from love. I wish most of us at least be moved by the spirit of the season to do good deeds and maybe spark something off from there(who knows), heal the world a little… I also wish to find love and settle down… I have a lot of things(mostly words) I would like to pass on before my time here elapses. On that note it’s compliments of the season to you all and may you have a wonderful end of year and start to the new year.