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RE: It Was Either This Or Leave it Blank

in Ecency3 years ago

You ever notice my location I got on here? :wink: No worries, I don't think many of us look at their location. Safe travels to you sir, we'll pick up where we left off when you get where you're goin.

Well I am at where I was going... Boise, Idaho. I Noticed your location of Pro.5:21. So I looked you up and I think you maybe are in my room as this is my sound system... Well not really but close!

Screenshot (58).png

Yeah Lovin me some @good-karma and prefer ecency over any other front end!

Wassup man? Thanks a lot for the reblog. It's always a pleasure when you stop by. You're on a ton of pages, I don't take these visits for granted.

Well you are perhaps my favorite author on Hive and I really do lurk on your page. It just so happened you snuck in some posts while I was traveling and getting settled. That dating post you reblogged was a bit much and everything you touch or curate is pure comedy gold! I am settling in with curating threespeak content and now building a community of Idaho farmers on Hive! Found a guy today that has some big ambitious plans today and wants in. You will see him soon on Hive as well as @earthpurse777 posting more on Hive too! Funny how God works in mysterious ways and how connected this life can get when we breathe and calm our minds!

For the ways of everyone are before the eyes of the LORD, And He observes all his paths


I can't count on two hands how many times I've been unable to fumble my way through a proper response. Insert your favorite gratitude gesture here. See what I mean...

Oh come on! I am a mere simple man who is a lost Union Stagehand from Vegas seeking God in Idaho with farmers who are Korean Natural Farmers! Just say Oh you freakin need to learn how to properly construct your sentences you lost kid, and while you are at it learn how to American farm in Idaho! 🤣

How'bout a funny story about derision for the road?

I've now attempted to boost 3 comments on this one and the first two were denied. Cue the laughter. If we don't hear anything on your last one I'm 0-3...... Cue the laughter.

Idaho is one of the few states I haven't been to. I think I'm missing less than 15. You're gonna love it. And you have people waiting for you, I dig your style.

Thanks for the second opportunity. I like that way you did this.

Yeah I tried boosting your post with @neoxiancityvb but I think it was two day too old. But might try to boost your comment here though! I think there are restrictions like for comments and how old a post is.


That's the nicest tip I've received. Thank you.


Yay! 🤗
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