Revelations : #13 / Hard yet Hopeful : #14

in Ecency11 months ago


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One day, as Pimenta was out and about on her own, she took a stroll by the creek. She had gotten a little note suggesting that she head over this way. It smelled of carrots, so she came to investigate. As she walked, she suddenly spotted a figure not too far from her, seated on a pebble - and it was definitely NOT a carrot! She squinted and realized it was Braam. Immediately, she began to tip-toe backwards and spun around before hearing, “Hey Pimenta.”

She turned to a waving Braam.

“Oh…hi,” she said. “Didn’t see ya there.”

There was a moment of awkward silence as the two still stood a considerable distance apart.

“Whatcha doin?” he asked.

“Walking and uh…stuff,” she responded. “You?”

“I stole one of Björnbär’s books to read but everything in it is flying over my head. I don’t get how that guy understands this stuff.”

“Oh, what’s it about?” she asked.

“Human stuff, I don’t know,” he answered. More awkward silence continued as he rose and walked towards her. “Well, I have to walk back home if you’d like an escort.”

Pim’s heartbeat rattled against her ribs, but she maintained a calm demeanor.


So Braam, being the gentleman he was, held out his arm, allowing her to take it. He definitely noticed her face was redder than usual, but didn’t want to embarrass her.

He started to speak, “Pim-”

She cut him off, “I know what you’re going to say! You’re going to warn me that you’re dangerous, brooding, and complicated - and that I should be careful. Not be so risky with spending time with you. And sure - I get that! But look at me. I’m a spicy pepper! You can’t even offer your arm to me without risking a burn. But look at Amani! Look at the risk she’s taking. For us! For the farm! Don’t you think we should follow her lead and throw a little caution to the wind? I mean - if we don’t do SOMETHING, what chance do we all have anyway? And I know that you’re close with…. Others. And I don’t want to get in the way of anything, but I still think we should consider our options here!” She paused and took a heavy breath and looked over at Braam, whose eyes were wide. “Sorry, what were you going to say?”

“Wow,” he responded, as a slight smile exposed itself. “I was just going to say watch out for that stick.”

“Oh. Yes. Um, I saw it.” Never had Pimenta opened up about anything to anyone, even to her sisters for the most part. While this was surprising to Braam, he also had to admit that he might have suspected something based on her often flushed face and awkward tendencies around him.

He finally spoke. “I've never seen this side of you.”

She shrugged. “Sorry,” she sighed.

“No, don't apologize! I like this side of you! Let’s just walk and talk,” he said, smiling.

“Ok,” she replied, finally returning his smile.

“But first,” he continued, “...other? What other?” He lifted his eyebrow, waiting for her clarification.

“Yeah,” she answered. “A certain Samurai?”

“Pim, you do know that she’s a warrior? Who do you think passed on my father’s training to her?”

A googly-eyed vegetable watched from a distance with a telescope, smiled, and ran back into the woods.

Hard yet Hopeful

“Stupid, stupid, STUPID!” growled the angry little Blueberry. Sitting next to the creek, he tried to skip rocks across the surface. One by one, the rocks just plopped right into the water, sinking straight down. Why had he followed that carrot-scented note’s advice to come to try skipping rocks!

“If you flick them a little bit to the side, they skid quite nicely.” the soft voice offered.

Myrtille jumped, his little cheeks turning red with embarrassment. He quickly shrugged his shoulders and rounded his back, huddling into himself. “Oh yeah. Who asked you? What are you supposed to be the Rock skipping Granny?”

Mentă laughed before she could stop herself. “Actually,” she slipped her own carroty-smudged note into her pocket and leaned down to find a nice smooth stone and held it in her hand, weighing it and checking the balance.

Finding it suitable for her needs, she flicked her wrist lightning fast and sent the rock bouncing, 1….2….3….4….5..6..7.8.9.!

“What the heck! You ARE the Rock skipping Granny!” Myrtille shouted as he lost count watching the smooth stone fly across the water. “That was so cool! Do it again!”

Mentă smiled and found another rock immediately. With her expertise, she skidded several more rocks across the water, much to Myrtille’s delight. Instead of his usual scowl, his face was bright with joy. Mentă’s heart softened as she spent some time with him. “You know, you’re not so bad when you’re laughing.”

Myrtille’s face darkened a bit, remembering all the nasty pranks he had done. He didn’t want to feel guilty, so he just got angry. “Yeah, well, maybe I’m not as perfect as everyone else, but at least people TALK to me when I give them a reason to.”

“But we were talking and laughing just a few moments ago. You COULD do nice things and be kinder, and maybe people would still talk to you without all the irritation?”

“Doubt it. I’m not like other people. I’m rough and tough.” He hit his chest like a little gorilla, and made Mentă laugh again. “You laugh a lot.”

“Well, you’re actually funny a lot.” Mentă explained.

“No, I’m not funny. I’m rough and tough!" He looked down sadly. "I probably should learn how to fight better instead of skipping stupid rocks.” He got up, and thought about leaving this silliness behind, but then paused for a second. “I mean, I guess it wasn’t so bad skipping rocks with a Granny.”

Though she looked older, she was not that old. “Myrtille, I’m not a granny,” she giggled. “I’m just a mom.”

“Yeah, but not my mom. So I can just call you Granny.”

“I’m a mom for all the plants in the Garden who need hugs, and cookies, and even need days skipping rocks just to get away from the sad things.” She looked at the little boy so desperately in need of being loved. She could tell he wanted to look up at her, but as he stated, he was “rough and tough”.

“Well, I don’t need hugs. Cookies aren’t so bad though. But we can probably skip rocks again - if you want.”

“I have an idea, Myrtille. How about we meet here every morning for skipping rocks. And then, we can even come back in the afternoon to have some cookies. And if you ever decide you need a hug, well… they’re yours too.”

“Hm. I don’t know about all that, but I guess i’ll show up tomorrow for some more rock-skipping, Gran…. “

She raised her eyebrows.

“Ok well, maybe you’re not a Granny. But I don’t know about all the rest. So, I’ll see you tomorrow for rock skipping!”

He got up and ran off towards the Garden, but it wasn’t his usual angry run. It was a little lighter than before, and she couldn’t wait to see how changes would happen when she poured some well-needed love into this hard little blueberry.

Once again, an orange veggie could be seen streaking through the woods, jumping up and clicking his heels as he raced towards his next destination - the Farmhouse!

Posts of Season 2
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - Here is all you need to catch up! To collect your cards - be sure to do your daily curation tasks on DreemPort and if you need to ask questions live - head over to our DreemPort discord. The prize to solve the mystery FIRST is 350 HBD - go it alone, or form a tEEM and split the winnings amongst yourselves. Clues can be found in the storyline to guide your journey! Good luck!

👉DreeMerge Season 2 Collection of Posts👈

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images created for DreeMerge2 using Midjourney


Oh my!!!! Whatttttt, even me I’m surprised
All that hard girl stuff was for this? Come on girl you’re disappointing the sisterhood 😂😂

Ohhh I hope nobody tries to change my Bzar like how Myrtille is already changing no noooo😂😂, I need her to be stubborn


I think this is my favorite part so far, the part when they start bridging the gaps and letting themselves just make things work. I love what menta did there, she’s indeed a wise lady, just like Myrtille I think I’d also call her a granny but it is what it is.

This is indeed a revelation, I see someone is doing his job behind the scenes 😂.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Pimenta!!! Oh girl, you didn't just do that, did you? I can only imagine Braam's face watching her say all that. Hahahaha. While some are making others blush, another is watching with their telescope hoping to go tell on them.

Isn't Myrtille just cute under all that stubbornness. Maybe "Granny" Menta can actually have some influence on him.

I really enjoyed reading this particular post.

Always a #dreemerforlife

But y'all knew Braam made Pimenta flush. She had a thing going on for him and this was no surprise. I thought it would be Menta adopting Blaber since munt warmed up to him but I guessed wrong and earned my first rotten squash. It had to be Myrtille. I love love what is happening. Is Azen doing all of this matching? He was away learning new stuff.

Such a beautiful story

I can't believe Pimenta just did that!! 😂 That little girl got something strong for Braam. I wonder what she was thinking running her mouth like that😂

I said that there was going to be wedding bells happening in the garden but some of you taught that I need to see the psychiatrist like Amani, hehehe.
I love this turn of events

I can feel the love in the air, the hurt are being healed and a lot of reconciliation taking place. A new thing is happening already!

An orange veggie could be seen streaking and jumping to his next destination! Uhm. Who's this orange veggie trying to create a connection? 🤔

I can see thw power of attention and love playing out here between Menta and myrtilla
Well, I hope it lasts, hehe
And about Braam and pimenta, hmm, I am surprised too but of course at this point of the game, anything is possible, so i am just looking and watching the outcome of things.


First of all I must say that you have a beautiful way of writing this story.

Should we focus here on the stones thrown or on the intentions of both stories, whose common denominator is affection? hahaha.... you really are making us enjoy this game.

