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RE: Welcome Home

in Ecency7 months ago

this is exactly what so many of us are feeling...

but in order to TRULY target the people who don't want to line their pockets - it means some very drastic , daring (and some might say... stupid?? lol) changes

but to those that it appears stupid - we say... thank you, see you in another era! lol - because this era will be all about focusing our efforts on real connection as a foundation.

I'm sure our changes will only be appealing to those who long for the genuine!

we'll see what happens! hehe

and I'm scheduled for 6 sessions. 10-15 min each. but they will all be the same presentation. the only thing that will make it different would be the q&a that are presented! so you should be able to soak up the gist of it all in 15 min! hehe no need to carve out time for the full 2 days (unless you find other sessions that you'd like to attend too!) hehehe

have missed you Tengolofoshooooooooooo!


Okay I was wondering what the requirement was well not so much requirement what the content was going to be for the full two days I guess is more what I meant.

It is interesting when I look at our dreemers in general, I see the ones that genuinely want to engage and do engage and then the ones that are the line their own pockets first engage if they only really have to second. As a general rule I know which Hive city they are a part of.

Anyway looking forward to seeing what this is about....

And just to let you know I was in St. Andrews on Tuesday and of course thinking of you Pen and Sam!

Enjoy your sunday dreemieweemieseeme!