What a fantastic looking family there! hehehe
and that baby - oh my gosh. I would say he needs to be a baby model - but please no. LOL the modeling industry is so evil - but he is PRETTY enough to be any model! hehehe
my mom's bday is in 5 days - she'll be 69 hehe she can hardly believe how the time has flown. but that's how it is with all of us right?
What you're describing - isn't that what they have now labeled "impostor syndrome"? I can't keep up with all the new terms.. but new terms notwithstanding, its all the same feelings that we've been dealing with since the beginning of time right??
So many of us struggle with that same feeling. and some - not all the time, but it comes in waves that knock us down and grind us in the wash. It's a terrible feeling - feeling worthless, or undeserving. but they're all lies.
and i'm so glad that you have figured out that THIS YEAR it ends! THIS YEAR you celebrate your achievements and you can STILL be humble and share in that quiet appreciation that comes with faith - without feeling like you're grabbing for anything more than is normal! right? we can be proud of who we are without showing excess amounts of that harmful pride. we can! and you're doing it!
and most importantly - you're BREAKING the cycle of what you've experienced and passing a NEW legacy down to your kids. THAT - is the icing on the cake. that is worth leaving behind!!!
so - yeah!!!!
cheers to this year being special for you!!!
Thanks so much! Yeah, it probably would be labeled impostor syndrome, but I've never taken the time to try to even figure that side of it out. I definitely agree it's nothing new, but that also makes it frustrating because we still haven't learned how to communicate this feeling as something to fight from a young age. I really appreciate the kind words. It will probably take a bit of work to get over some of the things I need to, but I'm definitely moving in the right direction!
I agree, our little guy is a very handsome little one.
hehehe same here - i kept seeing that label everywhere - and i had no idea what it meant! LOL looked it up - and i was like oh! that??? that's been around since the dawn of time! LOL
i think those labels sometimes end up dividing us.
when the feeling unites us - cuz we can all relate! once we share!!!
and you did that beautifully - it took courage to share that. it's not always easy being vulnerable to a sea of faces on Hive. hahaha but occassionally you find people that just get it :)
as far as getting over it - hmmm i'll let you know when i get over mine. i'm 47 and still working on it. hahahaha we are all works in progress LOLOL
Ironically, even as an introvert, I find it much easier to be vulnerable in posts here. Maybe because I don't personally know anyone on Hive (other than my wife's abandoned account) so I don't feel like I need to worry about anything I say coloring their feeling towards me? I've come to learn there are a lot of hurting people out there, and many of them just need someone else to say something similar to what they're going through. It helps fight the sense of loneliness when suffering. With the internet and all the fancy stuff we have these days, no one should feel alone in their struggles. I'll definitely share if I find any special shortcuts!
I understand completely - when I first started - I was the same.
I could write anonymously (i was anonymous back then) and use this space almost as a journal. I'm more easily identified these days hahaha and i SEEM like a very public boisterous social person. but in reality- I'm a classic introvert. LOL
well - technically they call introverts that can PRETEND to be super social and hide their introvertedness well - as ambiverts. (see.. another label LOL)
but - long story short - yes. i get you. hehehe
i think as you become more known - it can become either easier... or harder... to share some of the more vulnerable things.
but when you have that safe feeling - and people that are just... yeah. its nice :)
it takes time - but when you find them, its really worth it.
and something you said just hit me... our community was considering a collab with another community called @freecompliments. cuz we felt that it was a really nice fit. they do the same thing as what you're saying. and they are kindred spirits - because its what we say (and i say) also.
there are too many hurting people out there. we can all be kind and genuinely love.
if you recall - it was THAT comment you made on Pen's post... that first made me circle back to your own blog and get to know you more. because you encouraged him to keep smiling to make someone's day - because we just never know.
i am a firm believer that kindred spirits find each other.
anyway - if we end up doing that collab - i'll be sure to ping you - maybe its a fun thing you join! heheh but at the very least - check out their community! you might find some more of your tribe there! hehehe dreemers always love to connect people to where they find their home. and sometimes its with us! hehehe and sometimes we are only the conduit. either way is good for us!
I'm definitely going to swing by that community. As we were talking already, I was thinking of the "smile" comment. I'm not the best at being a consoling person, but I try to at least be some kind of goodness to people.
It's always fun going out with people because my wife is a super-extrovert, but I'm definitely not. However, once I get the feel of a place and the people, I can start to come out of my shell but then my "social batteries" drain about five times faster.
you really caught me on that comment.
Pen is a great friend of mine, and just seeing some "stranger" take the time to leave a meaningful comment to him. it meant a lot to me.
and yes - hehe i like the idea of parties... ok. no. that's a lie. LOLOL i mean - i try to like the general concept of a fun time celebrating people. and i do like that. i just don't like attending. because the drain is so real. the drain. is so. damn. real.
but if i'm with 3 close friends. or 2... or best - 1 hehehe
i can talk and talk and talk.
my best friend used to come see me at my house every few months. she had homes in two countries. USA and another place. so when she would be in my neck of the woods... i shit you not. we sat on two couches facing each other and talked for 18 hours straight - and only took breaks to eat. and we ate together and talked still LOL
and i felt so ENERGIZED by that.
but 18 hours of a crowd?.. strike that. 3 hours with a crowd??? sounds like it was planned by the devil himself ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL