hehe or you can read from the list of Hive books!!! from last week - @jfuji gave us a bunch of stories from Scholar and Scribe last week... you can find one there (as long as no one else has taken it yet) and review one of them!! hehehe
You can look at this post from last week for the list
but a new updated list will be available tomorrow too! hehe
I need to go read some books 😂
hehe or you can read from the list of Hive books!!! from last week - @jfuji gave us a bunch of stories from Scholar and Scribe last week... you can find one there (as long as no one else has taken it yet) and review one of them!! hehehe
You can look at this post from last week for the list
but a new updated list will be available tomorrow too! hehe
Dreemers, REV(iew) your engines!
That's much better, I'll wait for tomorrow's list. Thanks so much for all you do