Difficult days! Pills, pills and more pills.[ENG/ESP]

in Ecency5 years ago (edited)


Sinceramente ha sido una semana super loca. Y nos hace darnos cuenta que todo puede cambiar de un momento a otro. Pues mi salud era relativamente buena y esta semana empeoró de una manera demasiado rápida.

It has honestly been a super crazy week. And it makes us realize that everything can change from one moment to another. Well, my health was relatively good and this week it got worse too quickly.

Estos últimos 4 dias mi vida se ha basado en tomar pastillas y mas pastillas para poder sobre llevar el dolor que me esta ocasionando mi vesícula. Ayer un amigo me dice el dolor es tan fuerte aun cuando tomas pastillas. Imagínate lo que seria si no tomaras nada para el dolor.

These last 4 days my life has been based on taking pills and more pills to be able to cope with the pain that my gallbladder is causing me. Yesterday a friend told me the pain is so strong even when you take pills. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't take anything for the pain.

Hoy comencé con otro medicamento que es un poco más fuerte. Para ayudar con el dolor... Hoy el dolor ha estado calmado pero he tenido algo de fiebre.

Today I started another drug that is a little stronger. To help with the pain... Today the pain has been calmed but I have had some fever.

La verdad estoy bastante preocupada por todo lo que esto implica. En cuanto a los gastos que tendré por los estudios médicos que debo cubrir. Tal vez no estaré tan activa en la plataforma, pues estamos sufriendo muchos cortes de luz. Esperemos que esta semana que esta por comenzar sea mejor que esta!

The truth is I am quite concerned about all that this implies. As for the expenses that I will have for the medical studies that I must cover. Maybe I will not be so active on the platform, as we are experiencing many power outages. Hopefully this week that is about to begin is better than this!


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