
Fortunately, no. The search continues...

I enjoy your phrase: "Wick Ignition"

It's the most accurate and obvious way to describe the process, yet I'm certain I never would have thought to write it that way...

For some reason that amuses me

There's a high likelihood I'll remember this when I next light a candle

For some reason that amuses me

I can explain. You see, I'm an amusing mofo.

Don't just get any ol' candle. I recommend against familiar scents like peach or strawberry or vanilla, shit like that, they're disappointing. Names like autumn twilight or lava rock have less room for disappointment cuz neither are attached to a distinct smell.

Whaddup. I don't think we've met. You've been around awhile but only recently began 🄱🄾🅇🄴🄳 🄻🄴🅃🅃🄴🅁🄸🄽🄶.

Cool you found the joint.

Nice to meet you! I've had an account for a little while now, yes.

Boxed lettering... Guessing you mean the music posts?

I like beeswax candles personally! The scent is beautiful and invigorating, and those bees are straight shooters too! No marketing gimmicks or scents that disappear after wick ignition... 😄

I've made a couple in the past, using wax from wild hives that had set up inside walls of old buildings...

It is cool I found the joint! Thanks for the warm welcome 👍