I like Bluetooth speakers that don't hmmmmmm when they're plugged in. I like coffee creamer, the poisonous kind, not poisonous candles, poisonous creamer. I like non-poisonous candles. The kind that smell good, mmmmmm. Not imposter candles who claim to smell good when at best they're a burnt wick only after they're extinguished which is exactly what this weathered wood scented Tuscany candle is not.
Nothing worse than hand picking a candle after smelling all of the other candles in attendance to then discover upon wick ignition you've been duped. Imposter candles are only good for light. If I wanted a light emitting only candle I wouldn't concern myself with its shelved aroma nor sniff all of the surrounding candles like molly at a Mickey Avalon afterparty.
Because I'm less interested in the aroma of a shelved candle than I am that of a burning candle, that's why. "Cinnamon," for example, in its unburnt state to "light only" in its burning state should be called not always cinnamon.
Raise your hand if you give a single fuck what iThink about candles. Hashtag PutYourHandDown. Seriously—show of hands:
Who enjoys seeing the exact same material you saw in your feed yesterday in your feed again today and tomorrow and the next day and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that?
Hi. Hello.
Yes, you there, you are who I'm talking to. I'm @dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know. I like to say what you won't.
I'm an Ecency App user, I do all of this on that. You're awarded points for every action at @ecency. Depending on character count, comments can be worth up to 5 points each. New posts are worth 15 points each, votes are worth 0.3. Referrals are worth 99 points so tell all your friends about us—free money. Even idle time is worth about 0.5 points per hour. Ecency users get paid to sleep. They add up quickly.
Points are transferable and exchangeable between Ecency users. Once you've earned a minimum 150 points, you can use them to purchase boosts and promotions not exceeding 500 and 1,000 points. One boost today is valued between about $2-$6.
I don't boost my own stuff. To each their own, I don't do that. Boosts are not automatic anyway, each one is either manually approved by Ecency curators or the points are returned. I boost comments. When someone drops a heartfelt line or something that makes me laugh out loud, I boost it which is then forwarded to curators and, more often than not, the boost is approved and I'm able to bump up their comment reward near $2. Promote works differently.
The promote feature is available for 150 - 1,000 points depending what duration you'd like the content to be "sponsored." Sponsored content is featured every fourth article across all Ecency users feed whether they like it or not.
150 points sponsors content for 1 day. 1,000 points earns a 14 day sponsorship. When you see the same sponsored article in your feed beyond its pay period it means they maxed out the self-centered option to 1,000 points.
I don't want to see my favorite producers articles every fourth image in my feed so I'd prefer to see repeat garbage even less.
So I did what I do, talk shit between here and discord gathered intel. According to my research, only half of us are not sociopaths. The other half doesn't care how respectfully I word it. When I suggested 'please promote anyone other than yourself, thank you' they heard "not everything's about you you attention whore!"
So I dropped a note in the suggestion box and @good-karma responded. Eh, that's a bad mo-fo right there—sets the bar for responsive and attentive dev. He developed Ecency and Hivesigner plus runs a witness node, addresses user concerns quicker than your cell phone provider, and a bunch of other things. If you're not already voting his witness :pause:
Stop by his page and click approve witness. I'll wait....
:play: I'm told the next update will include an option that allows us to hide sponsored content. I'd rather not hide all sponsored content and miss quality articles in the process but it's the only way to avoid only way to avoid repeat repeat content.
Or :stop:
And promote anyone other than yourself. iThink you'll be pleasantly surprised with the results and then the rest of us wont have to hide all promoted content just to avoid yours.
Yoooo. Wassup man? Can I get a @dksart vs @krazzytrukker gif off?
That's gif off, g.i.f.
Look @nineclaws Sine-off mixed with alcohol...
Hey I resemble that remark.
You resemble a lot of things, things I won't speak of, cuz been too busy dealing with unmentionable pink lingerie.
I'm late, where's the party?
So I punched in walks like a pigeon and had to show you this.
It will be fun until it isn't no more. Leave it to @dandays to want to referee...
And be ring announcer also...
Referee? My pleasure.
@dksart @krazzytrukker
Listen up!
Do not obey my commands at all times, there's no rules and no ending, gifight!
Says the axe to the girl in your gif.
I tried gentle, you missed that ball. This is what I really meant.
I love ecency! But I use Gina...and I live on discord hehehehe
so when I open up all my notifications, they open in peakd (which I also enjoy very much!)
But Gina don't have love for ecency i guess....cuz I can't change her
There is Fridaybot though!!! And I haven't tried it yet..but if Friday bot can work with ecency....hmmmmm I may be earning points a wot.
Hi you. Does my content come up on your feed all the time?!?!!!
I never use feeds either. I use Gina to tell me stuffs.
I am very much way too reliant on Gina
What if she goes rogue?!?!!! And good morning 😊
You can't hi me without getting high back, wait... that came out wrong. Negative, I see you when I'm supposed to which you already know cuz you don't promote your own shit.
I can't believe I just said that to the woman who entered comedyopenmic with a civet video.
You know what it mean shit.
Laying in bed laughing my ass off.
Cuz ass
And yeah. Anywayyyyyyyyy
I'm high now.
On life!!!!!!
I'll smoke to that!
Now I am really confused...
WhoTF is Gina..?
Please do not hate me @dreemsteem I read the whole comment putting Vah in front if Gina...
Please forgive me, I have had a very BAD WEEK.. I almost accidently killed my best friend. :-(
WHAAAAAT. How did you almost do that?!?!?!
And Gina is the notification system for hive LOL One of them..
She sends you messages on discord every time an alert.comes.in for what you assigned her!
She's awesome!!!!
Now is your friend ok!?!?
And... Vah....
I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣
News at 11:00
Just not sure what day...
Be extra careful with the dewormers. Flea meds.
I will post about Toxicosis.
She was in BAD shape for about 36 hours. 100% blind and near comatose.
Well dang man. You musta been a mess. Sorry we had to hear about Sami this way, she's probably cool now then yeah?
Gina discord message things are newer to me too.
My worship of her has reached a whole new level...
Guilt, remorse, and regret is a powerful thing.
have you asked in the discord if Gina could have more frontends added instead of just the two?
i have not! LOL
I didn't realise there was manual intervention on the boosts. Good to know it's not a lawless free for all. I hate seeing the same stuff over and over in my feed. I think that happens in peakd.
But anyway, back to candles... :0D
Several times I've seen Ecency used as a comparison when such n such front is accused of voting abuse. When I explain it's not a lawless free for all they're like .......................
Wassup Boom? Always a pleasure when you stop by man. I hear you, before this I still had a Christina Aguilera poster in the garage.
I still have a Christina Aguilera poster in my garage. The duuurrrty one.
I always like a troop down the dandays way! :0D
The white bed sheets and red rose petals one? Never heard of it.
If it looked like that I am sure that would be the one. Never seen it tho so couldn't confirm..
I've never seen the Genie in a Bottle one either if anyone asks.
I would say it wasn't as good, if I had seen it
Ooft, I have definitely definitely never seen that one!!!
I'm confused by the fact of the existence of "Weathered Wood" candles.
Are you ranting again? Go light one of your good candles. One of the calming ones...
Who, mios? No way never. I wrote this in soft, whispery, don't wake up the kids voice. Ahhhh...
Oooh, with amethysts too... that should keep the kids asleep.
soft whispery???
like ASMR?!?!?!?!
me needs it.
I don't know what means and I'm scared to ask google. Last time I went over there and asked "funny plant image" I felt criminal.
I don't get it, what's so funny? I never rant ever! Never ever all I ever say is what the big curators want to hear. My material is so soft and geared toward curation if any of my buddy's found out about the you know what I'm willing to do around here for a reward they'd kick my but my point is, what's so funny?
you are, my little candle loving, creamer drinking pin cushion. hehehehehehe
now get your butt to 15 so I can hear these rants in person. 🤣
Oooh!! We're super close actually. Aabout... less than a 90 day countdown.
yes indeedly do! hehehe
I really loved that post image after every paragraph! It makes me think that was such a wonderful post that I need to see it a few dozen times! How awesome!...
We got out of candles a long time, those things feel cheap and slutty now. Maybe we are snobby but we've upgraded to essential oils for some even greater olfactory orgasmic satisfaction. Especially when you need a nice huff of Eucalyptus to cure those winter sickness blues!
I try not to boost my own posts too much, though I have been using the Ecency site a lot more lately since that's the easiest way for me to type on my phone and still earn points. Landscape rotation for the win! I get annoyed when I see the same post in my feed that's been promoted. It confuses me even more when I'm checking on the Rant community and I see a post thinking it's one of them in there but it's just a promoted one. Damn it!
Well what the hell is it, a sickness cure all or orgasmic? Talk about leavin me hangin.
Whaddup? I know what you mean. I thought it would work as a good example for those who make me see their cover image on repeat but I've since had to take down my Christina posters in the garage so that one really backfired but I'm a survivor!
Confusing, yes. The rant channel, comedy channel, the weekend, a picture of a flower in Chinese...... You know. Humans in general are real inconsiderate these days from parking spots to cashiers to telemarketers even, to "promote."
Boost is different. We earn those points, they're ours to do with as we choose. In any business model, objective number one is to pay yourself. Promote, however isn't the same and is too easy to abuse. This is a long ass response.
Looking forward to that update.
Have you tried the app on your phone? I never use the site, I'm on the app now.
Weathered Wood scented candles
Really? Okay, snuffing out the flame on that candle comment.
Down to biz.
Hilarious dude, several nice twists and turns of words there! You couldn't smash a person any harder in the face than with those repeat images on repeat, repeat that pic. How the blazes do I eradicate that image from my mind now??? I'm traumatized by it. Thank you no.
Speaking of being on repeat, let me repeat that @good-karma already has my vote and is a super guy, especially with having patience with me being on repeat, asking him the same question twice.
again. Yes, I make mistakes more than once. Yes, I'm okay with it.Yes, @dandays, I did it twice,
I know! I've since had to delete all my Christina Aguilera fan club subscriptions, I'm ruined. I hope the people who post every day and then promote every day so by the end of the week they have 14 of the same repeat 14 of the same cover images in my mind which makes their content the last thing on my mind are happy.
Good vote. Atta girl. Out of all the witnesses and dev's he's killin it in the personable category. I bet he's never looked at my wallet or anything, just helps me cuz I need it. Fascinating concept.
Hi. Hello. Yes, it's you I'm taking to, thank you.
>🌟How the BLAZES do I eradicate that image from my mind now???🌟
On repeat with accurate quoting, since you had to insert an F where there wasn't one. I was thinking of fire, as in a deep fire pit, hence blazes. HDY mis-represent what I said publicly, fake newser.
Sounds like B Flat Minor.
I agree, solid guy. You know how it goes and flows.
LOL, you sound like Lionel Ritchie. You're welcome but I don't see any, um, well, never mind.
I thought you needed that. Never mind, I figured you were censoring yourself.
This is the second time I've seen you type HDY. The first time I didn't ask what it means..
000000000000000hhhhh, so kind of you to read my mind. LOL, HDY not know what HDY means.
If you want uncensored Nine and unsheathed Claws, you need to go here. Don't say I didn't warn you.
It's nothing, HDY not know I'm not even trying, it just happens. HDY peel carrots? HDY do, ma'am? NAD.
Nice Acronym Dude
LOL, I learned it from that gang I hang with. When you type it 50 million times, it sticks in the brain.
I just remembered to open the Ecency app on my phone to spin points 😆 after reading your post. Since my friends and I are huge Ecency fans and we mostly use Ecency to interact with other Hivers. I didn't know we could boost the comments. Thanks for the information, that's great. I'll definitely use it on forward.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead @dandays
Ok I'll have a great day but you go first!
Good morning or afternoon or evening @trangbaby. You know I love it when you stop by right?
Boosts work on comments, yup. How cool is that? That's about all I use them for. Curators aren't quite as liberal with boosting them as they are original content but I bet at least 50% are successful.
You're the best, Trang, thank you. 💖
It's not a bad update. The essence of 'promoting' contents is so other users can see them and I rely on them to engage on posts that I miss on my feed.
Well, good thing it's an option. I can always turn mine on.
Hey, D and A! Happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful yuletide holiday.
Hey happy new year to you. Are you a New Years resolution maker? If you said yes, you'll never guess my next question.
I get it. That promote feature has its perks. We can promote a brand new author, contest like you said, etcetera.
Problem is we have daily authors who not only post 7 days a week but they promote every day so scroll a couple times and Tada! They're they are again.
I kinda sabotaged Christina Aguilera on this one cuz before I had to see that image so many times I didn't mind her so much. =}
You're the best @kimmyb.
I don't use ecency. I've just been doing my posts using peakd on my phone lol. The boost option sounds interesting. So it just makes the post or comment worth more? The seeing promoted articles every 4th post would be super annoying. I had to stop following people because they reblogged 20 accounts every single day and basically took over my feed. It was to the point where I'd have to scroll for 2 minutes before I even recognize someone I knew. The promoted articles sounds like that to me lol
They can be like that. I hear you about the reblogs, too, I take it as far as checking their reblog history before making any follow decisions. Psst, I'm phone too.
Boost is dope. They're both dope actually. And the points are the authors' to do with as they wish, they earned them. Nothing wrong with boosting your own content, I just choose not to. And yes, you can submit a boost request as many times as you like and potentially pay yourself that dollar range each post. And the best part is it's not a free for all, each request is either hand permissed or denied.
Promote has potential too but it's too easy to abuse and we see the same authors use it to promote their self. Even that wouldn't be that bad but the problem is daily posters promote their content. So even if it's not repeat repeat content content, it's the same author over and over and over and and over and over and over and same and over and over and same and...
Much thanks Lucky.
The boost sounds pretty awesome actually.
Yeah I don't mind reblogs at all but 10-20 per day is too much for me and I've seen more than that lol. It's usually an account that runs a community and they feel obligated to reblog posts from that community to support them and keep them posting in the community. It's a nice gesture and the thought behind it is understandable, but it makes it impossible to follow that account lol.
I know those communities. Surprisingly enough, the communities who do not do that are more successful. Hmmm.
Have you never signed in through Ecency? You're missing out, I wouldn't do it if it wasn't cool.
I keep hearing about it so I may give it a try. Is it easy to post with from your phone?
Oh hell yes. I do all this between my phone and iPad. Don't have a pc. Maybe baby steps.. sign in at Ecency.com/@lucky20 first then get the app in the App Store. Comment, this etcetera for awhile and see what you think.
Let me know if you need a hand.
Soooooooo, I use ecency and try to accumulate my points so I can promote myself since I am newer.(this was advice given to me) I was hoping that it will help more people see my posts, but now it sounds like boosting my posts for a day or two makes me Stuart Smalley.
You're doing great, I don't see you clogging my feed. In your situation "promote" isn't being abused. To people who do not abuse it, I kinda sorta might :cough: whisper... 1 day max. =}
Each of us were new once and continue to develop what works best for us.
You know what I'm talking about. When daily authors promote their article and we see not only fresh content by said author(s) but a weeks worth of promoted content at the same time to the point we see the same author every couple scrolls.
Now I ignore them but I've been ignoring so often my one feeling I keep in the top drawer wants to come out.
You did good. You have to Air it out or it will fester and grow until it becomes a monster.
That is marriage advice that I have taken for myself. It also works for leftovers in the fridge. Lolol
Funny, married and leftovers, I'm a big fan of both. I never realized how similar their remedies are until now. Good one.
See, you are a connoisseur of the mind and body now. Ha!
You git that Ecensy tat you been 👀 yet..?
So is there like some kind of cloak and dagger sacrifice a virgin chicken ceremony to join this cult.??
Do I have to rough someone up. Blacken some eyes, Pipe to the knee for you to get your 99.?
I almost went full color but continued black/gray.
I've never tried the referral function. The people I've onboarded in the past I've gone through PeakD. You've never tried it out, never signed in?
I mean, I do it, can't be that bad.
I will √ when I get home tonight
2nd word...
WTF did they go..?
Jusd effin wit ya...
How do we get you your 99?
Thanks for the homework assignment. I've never done this. Be gentle, it's my first time. This is a screen shot from the homepage. Enter my name in the line like that iGuess.
If I have not signed in before. To be sure I will try @krazzy-kitty first. I know that one has not been on Ecensy.
@eii cheers my man.
(3/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
but now I'm clean.
Credit: lofone
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)@dandays, I sent you an on behalf of @eii
Yeah man, I had an issue with boost function as I was told it didnt work by a person on Hive who spent a decent amount of hive on points for boosting purposes. So I tried it and nothing happened. Luckily, I complained to a person and got my points refunded. Ecency does great job being attentive and curating content so I revoted witness after suspicious boosting thing. Their promoting feature is awesome... nothing like random promoted posts in your feed or even non-relevant communities... But I digress, how many Mickey Avalon parties have you been too?🤣
Oh man. iThink four. I remember three for sure. ONLY cuz it was a long time ago! That's the only reason I can't remeeemoving on...
:purple flowers, Korean:
Wassup man? Thanks a lot for the reblog. It's always a pleasure when you stop by. You're on a ton of pages, I don't take these visits for granted.
:make-up, coffee design:
You're all straightened out now with Ecency yeah? That's a nice feature, they're responsive and attentive. Real helpful with whatever, not just issues.
:motorcycle helmet, Portuguese:
You ever notice my location I got on here? :wink: No worries, I don't think many of us look at their location. Safe travels to you sir, we'll pick up where we left off when you get where you're goin.
:macro lens, fungi:
Well I am at where I was going... Boise, Idaho. I Noticed your location of Pro.5:21. So I looked you up and I think you maybe are in my room as this is my sound system... Well not really but close!
Yeah Lovin me some @good-karma and prefer ecency over any other front end!
Well you are perhaps my favorite author on Hive and I really do lurk on your page. It just so happened you snuck in some posts while I was traveling and getting settled. That dating post you reblogged was a bit much and everything you touch or curate is pure comedy gold! I am settling in with curating threespeak content and now building a community of Idaho farmers on Hive! Found a guy today that has some big ambitious plans today and wants in. You will see him soon on Hive as well as @earthpurse777 posting more on Hive too! Funny how God works in mysterious ways and how connected this life can get when we breathe and calm our minds!
For the ways of everyone are before the eyes of the LORD, And He observes all his paths
I can't count on two hands how many times I've been unable to fumble my way through a proper response. Insert your favorite gratitude gesture here. See what I mean...
Oh come on! I am a mere simple man who is a lost Union Stagehand from Vegas seeking God in Idaho with farmers who are Korean Natural Farmers! Just say Oh you freakin need to learn how to properly construct your sentences you lost kid, and while you are at it learn how to American farm in Idaho! 🤣
How'bout a funny story about derision for the road?
I've now attempted to boost 3 comments on this one and the first two were denied. Cue the laughter. If we don't hear anything on your last one I'm 0-3...... Cue the laughter.
Idaho is one of the few states I haven't been to. I think I'm missing less than 15. You're gonna love it. And you have people waiting for you, I dig your style.
Thanks for the second opportunity. I like that way you did this.
Yeah I tried boosting your post with @neoxiancityvb but I think it was two day too old. But might try to boost your comment here though! I think there are restrictions like for comments and how old a post is.
Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
Support Ecency
Vote for new Proposal
Delegate HP and earn more, by @dandays.
I really enjoyed this article about the nine women with red lipstick.
Unimaginable iHope. Not iHop, iHope, could you imagine?!
Yo @brandt, you there, yes, it's you I'm talking you I'm talking to: Thanks for keeping an eye on me.
You good? Still with mom or back on the road?
Yes everything is fine and normal here, just me and iMom chilling in the backyard smoking cigars and setting squirrels on fire like we usually do instead of going to church on Sunday.
I want a cigar all the time. Can't think of the last time I smoked one but with you and iMom would be a good next time.
iShould confess. Maybe tomorrow.
Tomorrow is always a great day to smoke an iCigar.
I loved the way you roasted that guy on Ecency when he promoted his bodybuilding post for 14 days, and the way he responded led me to believe he is a robot.
Maybe half of the sociopaths are now robots...
PS I wondered why you had 114 comments, then I saw the spam army haha with their gifs.
Yoooo! How the hell you is? I hope this finds you and Lee and the whole damn fam well.
I don't know how you do it but you do. Seeing that rmsbodybuilding charade is so cool I'm tempted to get stoned before 7. Took everything I had to censor myself from talking shit on shirtless selfie avatars.
Much love, Ed. Thank you! Psst.. it's 7 now.
Bro you should totally get stoned before 7 if you can, just before the sun appears.
It protects from radiation dude.
Thanks home's, hope you and pura are living la vida loca. THis fucking world bro...
That's when I know you just toked haha.
I lol'd from radiation all the way to toked. 👊🏼
It is dumping snow right now.
How is the snow going?
I'm glad you asked.
Thanks for that uncharacteristically educational post, I've been wondering what the boost was all about.
On a more personal note, you could have just said something, and I would have calmed down my promotions :D
Did you see my hand up? That's because I really do care what you think about scented candles. It's a point of contention at times between Hedge Witch and I, and in that argument, backup (or opposition that must be suppressed) from slightly familiar people on the internet is just as valid as any other input.
While you're plugging Ecency (you have my vote for brand embassador), don't forget to thank them (and me) for this sweet little bank error in your favor...
I mean, if I can't bribe you with a billion dollar upvote, what works?
Right, right, calm down the promotions.
I'll work on that, but what else am I supposed to do with all those points? Bribe comedy contest judges?
I'm torn where to start. I really, really need to address two issues and I don't know where to start like a 3-wick candle. 1 is plenty, know what I mean? 2's more than enough, more than 2 they get lopsided and burn unevenly to where the glass gets burn marks. I can't remember what the second one was now.
So I got 3 weathered wood candles in a row, they're fuckin amazing. 1 wick is all it takes, less than 5 minutes you can smell the thing outside. Then I mixed it up; got a weathered wood and a sweet tea at the same time. When I got to the counter the little girl was "like oh my God like sweet tea is like the best eveerrr!" I still can't remember the second one.
I informed her weathered wood is the best candle out of all candles created in the history of candles. She disagreed. Even laughed it off. If I wasn't such a softhearted, kind, word sugar coating, uncharacteristically educational and motivating speaker I'd throw the fuckin thing at her register as hard as I could like 'gimme my money back!'
Now I remember. I keep meaning to remind myself this is public.
We were getting some good 3 wick candles from TJ Maxx for a while, don't remember what kind they were, just that they smelled fantastic, burned evenly, and cost more than a foreign baby.
Public? That can't be true, can it? Do I need to go through and edit my whole history?
If it was that easy they'd all do it and call it national curriculum.
That was funny, I almost prematurely coughed out weed smoke!
I like your idea of boosting comments!
I'm taking notes 📔
My man they go a long way too. Not everyday you get $2 for a comment. Tough to forget those.
Absolutely, once I got 8$ on a comment, man 8 dolla 🤣 I'll never forget lol
Really cool idea! I definitely see some comments where I really wanted to give more than my silly 0.04$ vote, never thought about using the boost until now! Cheers 🍻
I raise my hand ✋, candles is not something I care about. What an intro / love it!. Good way to put people in context 👌. I saw bunch of ecency talks (you did as well before), but this is very well explained. I can actuallt see the benefits (I am trying not to engage myself in too many stuff...then again I am 😅). So thanks, I will give myself the necessary kick in the ass. Btw, we have been set curfews and all again here and it sucks!! Had to share!
Do you really?? Have you heard England just lifted all their covid mandates? They're a free country again for residents and tourists.
Curfew in Canada.. WTF?! Go south, it's balls to the wall here.
I'm a big fan of Ecency. Been using it since it was esteem. Through the changes and development they've always been cool. Good-karma is quick to listen and address issues. They got a good thing going.
Been a long time hasn't it? Thanks for keeping up with me this long dude. I told you almost five years ago I don't forget these things.
I meant it. 👊🏼
I went looking for the LookAtMe! LookAtMe! community... 🤦♂️
Did you find everything you've been looking for?
Fortunately, no. The search continues...
I enjoy your phrase: "Wick Ignition"
It's the most accurate and obvious way to describe the process, yet I'm certain I never would have thought to write it that way...
For some reason that amuses me
There's a high likelihood I'll remember this when I next light a candle
I can explain. You see, I'm an amusing mofo.
Don't just get any ol' candle. I recommend against familiar scents like peach or strawberry or vanilla, shit like that, they're disappointing. Names like autumn twilight or lava rock have less room for disappointment cuz neither are attached to a distinct smell.
Whaddup. I don't think we've met. You've been around awhile but only recently began 🄱🄾🅇🄴🄳 🄻🄴🅃🅃🄴🅁🄸🄽🄶.
Cool you found the joint.
Nice to meet you! I've had an account for a little while now, yes.
Boxed lettering... Guessing you mean the music posts?
I like beeswax candles personally! The scent is beautiful and invigorating, and those bees are straight shooters too! No marketing gimmicks or scents that disappear after wick ignition... 😄
I've made a couple in the past, using wax from wild hives that had set up inside walls of old buildings...
It is cool I found the joint! Thanks for the warm welcome 👍
One word for ya...
Rarely am I confused like this with your images.
You teaching me Ecensy...
No Homo.!!
I don't know everything but I'll teach you everything I know.
dark sideGiphy Emporer...As I will teach @dksart the power of theBwwwaaahhhhaaahhhaaahhaaaa..!
So done in like 2-3 minutes and we can go grab a sammich..?
Oooh Yeeeeaaaah!!
But now...
I gotta Roll...
How different do you think the whole entire planet would be if humans were that excited about missing a front tooth?
Belly Laugh...
Thank You 4 that...
I sure could use a few more after this week.
Partiko app for steem had the points system.
Is Dappler a dead app too. @pooky-jax says nothing works with it now.?
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
today.PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
eii tipped dandays (x1)
(2/5) @brandt tipped @dandays (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
I bumped over to it...
I have been on before. I had it book marked. And If you already have a Hive account it would not give me the refer link. Looks like only new to Hive signing up and not the logging in get link.??
Did not want you to think I faggot about you... Heheheh
No Homo.!!
No heck no I don't. Yeah I figured that referral bonus pertained to brand new registrations only.
Welcome to Ecency my dude. 👊🏼 I wouldn't do it if it wasn't cool.