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RE: What is your experience with Ecency?

in Ecency2 years ago

I used the app a fair amount back in steem days. I wanted something that worked on mobile and the two options seemed to be ecency (then called esteem) and Partiko. They both had their strengths in my view. I never used PeakD then, whatever it was called then.

Since Hive, I've used PeakD mostly, still use ecency a smaller bit. As far as using the app, I'm sure it's great and works well. My thinking is that the PeakD interface works well on mobile (and I'm already accustomed to where things are), plus I don't need to download a native app onto my phone and take up space/update when updates come out. I'm a big fan of PWAs that exist in the cloud rather than native, downloaded apps.


I am also a fan of PWA's because my phone never seems to have enough storing capacity for these apps lol.

Yes, this is exactly the main reason! That combined with no need to update the app. When a PWA updates and you load it, guess already have the newest version. What if a big security risk was found in you're favorite app. Uh oh, got to update...assuming you know about it and can wait until update time, you can fix it then. But til then...not ideal. has figured this out. Even when you download Dbuzz to your phone or PC, you're really not. Instead, you're simply adding a small icon-link that launches the PWA app in your chosen browser. Think of it as a dbuzz tab. And yet, it still looks feels and acts like an app on you're phone (doesnt look feel and act like another tab). @dbuzz

I will say that natives apps likely run faster, can likely do more complicated things, and PWAs are likely not always even possible (depending on what the goal is). But, if possible at all, I like PWAs, first due your phone space reason and secondly due to updates

I try to get as few apps on my phone as possible. I think that with too many apps, you will have more difficulties to keep them up to date, which requires space and also brandwith. Also since, I hate these updates, I often jump them which then opens security issues. works nicely on mobile.

That's great to have both options with ecency. The app for people who like apps and the web version for people like me :-) works on mobile as well 😉

Okay, good to know, thanks.

4 credits added for the liotes ranking