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RE: Refer your friends to earn more

in Ecencylast year

my friends had the same problem with signing up or registering for free
It always says they already created an account and 1 account per IP even if it's their first time to sign up.


Are you using mobile network or public wifi? Also you cannot use same email address twice.

They are using a mobile network. Some are using home wifi. I tried creating accounts for them using the computer at my workplace but I still have the same problem.
About email address, it's their first time to sign up.

Interesting, we will check. Also make sure you are not using proxy, tor or vpn because those connections usually abused and our signup doesn't allow those.

We are sure that we are not using that proxy or VPN. I hope you can fix this problem soon since I am excited to share with them about decency or Hive community

I see, we will have to check why their IP address is not passing our checks. Maybe our checks are not considering something, is there any chance you can find out IP address when error happens and send it via email to us, we can investigate and fix/improve the system.

okay, I will try to ask for their IP addresses and I will send it via email soon. Thank you for the immediate response.