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RE: It's a Beautiful Feeling, in Oblivion...

in Ecencylast year

First of all, Happy birthday to you @robsteady. Though belated. Hehe

Some of the asects of your personality stated by you are relatable to me as well. For instance, placing myself at a much lower value than I really am.

My experience tells me that it's a constant battle to refrain you from devaluing yourself. It's not like okay now I no more devalue me. Nah! You keep on doing that one way or the other. However,the awareness that you do it makes you able to counter your thoughts and actions.

So far as writing about yourself is concerned, I want to tell you that it's the best thingt share your personal unique thoughts, life experiences and encounters. It is because what you would tell is genuinely felt and thus keeps the intensity to create an effect on the reader.

We learn from other people experiences, don't we? It's very likely that your discussion of yourself would let other people develop the understanding of their own lives. Also, they may learn the lessons needed to make their lives better. So, always share about you with confidence and courage. It's a favor done to the reader.

#dreemerforlife #dreemer


Thank you so much for the comment! I'm very happy to see a decent number of people feel the same way about these kinds of posts as you do. And yes, it's a daily (hourly or less?) struggle to keep myself with a positive attitude about myself. I've been a little more vocal with some friends and family about how I'm putting more effort into being positive on myself and I've been getting a lot of support.

I'm very happy to see a decent number of people feel the same way about these kinds of posts as you do.

Hehe. And how would you see if you didn't share your thoughts.

I've been getting a lot of support.

That's wonderful