Helping Others with Dignity

in Ecencylast month

As time is becoming modern, we see that the number of unemployed people is increasing, and inflation has risen so much that the number of poor people has also increased. In such situations, rich or wealthy people should support these people.

In our society, there are people who don’t have money to eat three meals a day. Many might question why these people don’t work to earn money.

Most of them are uneducated and don’t have jobs for labor work. To start their own small business, they also need money, which they don’t have.

I personally always like those poor people who earn money by working hard. I give money to such hardworking poor people and help them in every possible way.

Helping Others with Dignity.png

But there are some poor people who cannot work or don’t get any work. They also need to be supported and helped.

Every person should look for such poor people, search for them in their area, and then help them. Surely, doing this will not only improve their lives but also bring great reward.

There are many ways to help. If possible, arrange a small business for such poor people so they can earn themselves. Additionally, you can call them to your home, give them work, and then pay them a fair amount.

The big benefit of this is that such poor people won’t become dependent on free help. Instead, they will prefer to earn through hard work.

One more thing we should remember is that when helping the poor, don’t make them feel like you are doing them a favor. Help them in such a way that if you give money with one hand, the other hand doesn’t find out.

This is the true way of helping, and God likes it a lot.

In your opinion, is it better to give money to the poor to help them or to set up a small business for them? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

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Thank You!
Best Wishes.


I think it's best to show the poor how to fish not just to give them fish, because it also helps you the giver to determine why one is poor, could it be the person is looking for a little push or the person is lazy? Lazy people will always be dependent on others while the shrewd one will just need a capital to start up a business.

Nice blog.

You know I use to make it a point to help as many people as I could. Yet in recent years Rhode Island legalized pan handling. That combined with the declining economy due to our Untethered politics. The number of people has risen exponentially. I met a few panhandlers that earn more money than I do in a day. I know that a good percentage of them are truly in need, but it's harder and harder to make ends meet. The growing number of people asking is frustrating. It's against my nature to decline them, yet in self preservation I've been forced to.

!CHARY:6 The author explicitly states that he gives money to hardworking poor people and help them in every possible way, indicating a direct charitable effort.