I looked around for a new avatar to challenge my skills. I considered many factors, and at the conclusion of the sesrch for my next exciting challenge, I landed on the beautiful and talented @jmis101, whose kindness and expression on Hive are an inspiration to many. I love the way the deep blue, green and red make this avatar shine like some kind of mythical gemstone, and my plan at the start of this project is to play on that vision. I plan to employ a layering of ink, watercolor, and finally acryllic/oil to crystalize this gemstone vision - but once the process starts, who knows where it will take me!
Let’s get started, shall we?
I found an app that does the grid now. I was doing it with an inline generator becore, but I couldn’t find it this time. I searched the app store for something with no In-App purchases, because subscription based apps are one of the things I despise most in the world. This free app was pretty cool, so I will be sticking with it in the future.
You can click that picture above, it will take you to the iPhone app store to support this awesome free app with some download love.
Anyway, I said let’s get started…
Column1 | Column2 |
I started out with a 5x5 grid, but quickly found that my lack of drawing skills was going to require smaller grid squares.
At this point, I am beginning to sweat; this is such a beautiful avatar, and I don't think my skills are enough to capture it in a fair and accurate way. Determined to finish what I have started, I cut my grid squares in half by going to a 10x10 grid. This should allow me to focus in on smaller sections at a time.
@alliecat wanted to draw "Boxy Snowmen" at the same time, so I wound up with a little snowman action on the left. He's supposed to be giving a thumbs up, but it kind of looks more like he's staring at some kind of weird cell phone stick type thing. Anyway, my goofy snowman won't be the only thing exposing my lack of experience here today 😅
To even get as close as I did to capturing her essence, I had to break many of my small grid squares down into even smaller grids!
Using small sub-grids, I was finally able to feel confident that my linework was approaching satisfactory completion…
…but then it turns out my lack of experience in color work was not so easily overcome. My goal with all this avatar work is really to build my skills and develop some ability...but right now it is still painfully obvious that my coloring skills are very unimpressive. @jmis101, I apologize for not doing a better job on this, I promise I really tried hard!
My eyes are all swollen at the time of creating this, it seems I must have stumbled into something that my face didn't like 🤣
I laughed so hard to the outcome.
My cheek went way up😂😂😂😂
You really tried dear with the outlining.
I appreciate the compliments and for choosing my photo😊
HAHAHA! I am so glad to hear from you, and that you got a laugh out of it! ...You just made my day :)
Sending 5HSBI as a thank you - I am going to retry your avatar in a year or so (whenever I start to think I'm getting better at this) - so I can do it justice!
Alright dear
Glad, I made your day😊
I will be waiting for your improved, amazing return.
Thank you very much dear fir the HSBI I really appreciate.
Of course! 🙏🙏🙏
This is Amazing 😂😂😂
You did well.
Doctor Doctor.
Laugh well oo
Thank you for posting in the Ecency community
Sending you Ecency points ♥️
This is amazing god job
Thank you!
you welcome