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RE: Please: What do you really mean when you say "i love you"?

in justSaying β€’ last year (edited)

What a nice surprise to see a post from you!

Hear hear, brother. Hear Hear πŸ‘πŸΌ

I've been mostly canceled again 'cause I talked about equal rights for girls again πŸ˜•πŸ™„


I'm considering cutting my hair and dressing up as a guy so that folks might chat with me a bit more about this stuff πŸ™ƒ

We women must be quiet, you know. Thanks for the conversation

Universal Love all over. With no expectations. Unconditional. As it is. And have a lovely day!

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Β last yearΒ Β 

'cause I talked about equal rights for girls again πŸ˜•πŸ™„

What a bad bad girl... go back to the kitchen wife!

Good to see you over here Nicky, yeah it happens sometimes that i just can't shut the feck up... Showing presence in a blind world. 😏

Big Hug NICK, nice haircut btw... hehehehe

SatyAgraha πŸ™

What a bad bad girl... go back to the kitchen wife!

I feel so ashamed 😒

Oh - I'm everywhere, Dude. Even in the kitchen if there are cookies involved!

Showing presence in a blind world

You mean shouting into the Void?


Big Hug NICK, nice haircut btw

Oh they're def going to burn me as a witch now. I'd better learn to bake asap!

Nice to see you too, Dude.

Hive is still the best platform for long form. I'm not gone. I'm busy making stuff and getting health sorted (hopefully) asap.

So brace yerself!

Love to you, brother. And not the stupid fluffy light love. The real deal <3

Β last yearΒ Β 



I mean - "Boo!" :D