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RE: Snaps Container // 1728684720

in Snaps12 days ago

Got an old MacBook that I was going to scrap, but found I could boot up #Linux Mint to possibly give it a new life. It has Firewire, so could link to my old video camera to transfer stuff.



Linux is great to resurrect old hardware 🐧

I don't actually have a usable laptop, so this could be handy for a few things. I'm clearing out a load of stuff, so an old mini laptop and Chromebook will go as well as an old tower PC that doesn't work anyway. Have to resist the urge to keep it all, just in case...

A great choice! I didn't know linux could be installed in MacBook.

I have an ancient G3 MacBook that I installed linux on years ago. Its single core processor won't handle the encryption on most modern websites, but it still makes an excellent e-reader and end times backup device!

Nice! I live salvaging e-waste with Linux, and maintaining old connection compatibility can save old memories, too.

I picked up a 2015 macbook pro for this exact reason! Going to throw Fedora on it. But I messed up and shipped the USB Stick to the datacenter, and the 40G cables to my house so I gotta go do a swap soon.

This one's a bit older, but it runs pretty well.

I had access to one of those for a little bit. Wasn't smart enough to do anything with it back then and it had no os on it. If it showed up like 2 years later I'd probably have been able to throw something on it. But eh, we all gotta learn somewhere!

My brother salvaged an old Mac that going into the trash and installed Ubuntu on it. It sits happily running some of his SDR apps now. It's a shame, a lot of stuff is going in the landfill when it could run a lightweight Linux disto quite happily!

This machine seems pretty solid and performance is not bad. It's just bigger than newer models.

I have Ubuntu on my old desktop set to dual boot to either Ubuntu on 250gb drive or Windows 10 on 500gb ssd. Haven't used it for a min since upgrading, but will soon, as I want to setup my SDR rig again. My brother hasn't used anything but Linux in decades.
