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RE: Snaps Container // 1733798880

in Snaps3 months ago

Would love to get into a productive head space but something is just wrong right now.

Going to take vit d supliments again since I'm british and the sun is a lie.

Other than that I donno. Feel more off than usual maybe just a slight worse patch of ground I'm standing on atm.


as someone who lived in Finland most of his life I can relate to the lack of sun issue, has definitely changed things after I moved away

Yeah my last bloodtest came back myself being extremely deficient in vit d but at the same time they said the test couldn't be done cause sample was too old so I'm like.. is it or isn't it.

Since it's very common to be Vid D deficient in the UK I likely am to some degree.

Am in Fife on the East coast of Scotland & we had sun today, albeit at 3 degress. I got out there. People really don't get how depressing the lack of sun/daylight can be. I feel you. Take Vit D strong doses it what we do from Oct to Apr to make up for lack of sunlight.

I think it's all in the head. I doubt that ancient thinkers like Archimedes or Aristotle had the opportunity to go to the pharmacy for vitamins.

Kinda make no sense that statement.. Compairing people from now too time long ago is like comparing cats and dogs. Biology, diet everything is so different it makes no sense.