
It all adds up, great!

The more the merrier haha, thanks for the support, the year has started well for me!

damn, killing it!

2025 started with a bang! The wiseagent contest helped a lot with part of HBD and then I completed it and bought it! Just enjoy it now that it will generate more zing tokens

Tá ficando bom o negócio, hein? xD

kkkk agora melhorou bastante hehe, valeu por essa competição mano, foi bem da hora e com certeza animou demais a galera 😄

hey thats great, everyone gets a little less now.... jk... have fun with more collection bonus

Thank you very much, this will help a lot to get some more zing to stake! The year 2025 is off to a great start!

nice one!

Collect, hold and stake in them o/ 👏

Eita coisa boa! Parabéns mano! Assim vamos crescer mais rápido.

é nós, bora que bora!